70+ Aztec Female Names Packed with Cultural Meanings and Related to Heritage 

The Aztecs brought a sophisticated social order system as well as a diverse cultural gem to the world; therefore, one can find many suitable names of Aztec Female Names among them.

Given by parents who are members of Aztec society, those names represent a set of Aztec linguistic and ethnocultural values that relate to the historical period of this Mesoamerican civilization. Giving your daughter an Aztec name doesn’t only associate her with this colorful-rooted culture but also implies the embracing of what was once a historical and special name among the race. 

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Understanding Aztec Names :

Aztec people frequently chose their names very seriously, as they were filled with deep meaning, and their origin could be traced to nature, gods, the sky, animals, and cultural references. Every name is meaningful and has a deeper significance than a method of distinguishing people or things. 

The following are ten typical female names among the Aztecs; 

  • Xochitl – This means beauty or flower and this represents beauty and nature. 
  • Citlali is a feminine given name that means star implying light and direction. 
  • Ixchel: the Moon, Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section, and Herbs Mythology of the Maya. 
  • Tonantzin – This is a name given to mean “our mother” thus serving as a complementary name to fertility and materteral figures. 
  • Itzel – This translates to ‘rainbow lady’ with the meaning representing beauty and Diversity. 
  • Malinalli – It is derived from the name of the 10th day of the Aztec calendar which stands for leadership and strength. 
  • Quetzalli – This is from the feathers of the quetzal bird associated with freedom and beauty. 
  • Nenetl – Doll or little mama it’s a nice way to show care for a woman. 
  • Coyolxauhqui – The Aztec goddess of the moon signified power and evolution. 
  • Miztli – it is the name for the moon meaning feminineness and mystery. 

Naming Practices Meanings 

In this paper, there is attention to elements in Aztec naming practices wherein the natural world and spiritual beliefs are integrated. People would select names that presupposed the desired outlook for more success, virtues that the parent would wish their child to have or in honor of gods and goddesses. 

Cultural Significance 

Aztec women’s names also conformed to the cultural, or better, their roles in society what was expected from them. People believed that names that evoke religious elements may have some significant impact on the recipient’s destiny. 

Selecting an Aztec Name in the Present Times 

  • Even in the present generation, Aztec names are still fascinating to parents who are in constant search of distinctive and proper names for their female children. Many of these names are associated with great cultures and history and at the same time are generic which makes them universal. 
aztec female names

70+ Aztec Female Names with Meanings:

  • Xochitl – it means flower and is a fine reference to beauty and nature. 
  • Citlali – Star because stars are bright and guide people in the darkness. 
  • Ixchel – Mayan deity that is attributed to the lunar cycle, feminine fertility as well as healing. 
  • Tonantzin – our mother; a divinity that is related to motherhood and fertility. 
  • Itzel – beauty and the ethnic accent, the lady of rainbows. 
  • Malinalli –Dedication and leadership/supremacy; 
  • Coatl – Strength; This name also has an association with the tenth day of the Aztec calendar. 
  • Quetzalli – Feathers of the Quetzal bird – represents freedom and beauty. 
  • Nenetl: Doll or Little Mama- It shows that people often carry dolls to demonstrate their love. 
  • Coyolxauhqui is the ancient name of the moon and she is power and change for life. 
  • Miztli – Moon, associated with females and secretiveness. 
  • Atl Water – The meaning of it is life, cleansing liquid. 
  • Tlalli – The earth, which indeed is linked with fertility and plenty. 
  • Cihuacoatl – Snake woman; she is powerful and wise. 
  • Chalchiuhtlicue – a water deity associated with the water, rivers, seas, and streams. 
  • Ollin – Movement, which is a symbol concerning an earthquake and change in the Aztec culture. 
  • Coatl – Serpent which is associated with rebirth and transformation. 
  • Ixtab – A god of suicide signifying the act of courage and death. 
  • Huitzilopochtli – In Aztec culture, Huitzilopochtli was the god of the sun and war, which gave him connotations of authority and prowess’’. 
  • Mayahuel – A deity of maguey plant and fertility referring to sustenance and reproduction. 
  • Cuicatl – Song which signifies poetry and the art of expression. 
  • Temazcalteci is the Goddess of the sweat bath which has special significance in the healing process. 
  • Xipil – Corn – food, life. 
  • Yolihuani – The loved and lost one or the beloved one meaning love and passion. 
aztec female names
  • Xipe – This deity is the one we are protecting the city for and he is the one guiding us. 
  • Miahuaxihuitl – Goddess women who die in childbirth, or the women who die in doing such a service present their lives as a sacrifice but of honor. 
  • Matlalcueitl – she was considered a goddess of stars who also represented beauty and guidance to people. 
  • It encompasses Xiuhcoatl, which is the Fire Serpent and represents power and change. 
  • Nahuatl – In terms of the deities – from the Aztecs – the figure of Nanauatl is distinctive, as he was the god of the sun, which implies the warm and life-giving powers. 
  • Iztaccihuatl – The white woman who represents purity and strength. 
  • One should mention the name Nopaltzin – Cactus thorn, which refers to the themes of resistance and shield. 
  • Teciui – This is sacred which signifies that it is holy or revered. 
  • Yolotli – Heart. The heart is the corresponding sign for erotic, which also means love or compassion. 
  • Xiuhnel – it represents turquoise which is associated with richness in this culture. 
  • Chimalli – Shield, to represent defense and might. 
  • Tozi – fertility and healing water, birth, and regeneration. 
  • Teoxihuitl – Turquoise which has the overt meaning of sky which has connotations of vision and clarity. 
  • Citlalmina – It means the precious star and shows what is or should be the character of each girl: rare and brilliant. 
  • Tezcatlipoca – He smokes a mirror figure, which relates to reflection. 
  • Xolotl – This is a god of twins that shows friendship and also two of the same kind. 
  • Toci – Our Grandmother, the film reflects the financial thinking that guides our society’s progress. 
  • Ehecatl is the god of wind and embodies freedom and movement. 
  • Quiahuitl – Rain or water which is Unisex and refers to fertility and renewal. 
  • Tzapotlatena – This is a sweet mother who will reflect on caregiving. 
  • Tlazolteotl – Deity related to bodily filth, sexual misdeeds, lust, and yet purity and penance. 
  • Yohualli – It has three meanings: the first one means night and is related to mystery and introspection. 
  • Izel – exclusive, this name was given to a girl because of exclusivity, which is considered a valuable quality. 
  • Xochiyotl – This is a Nahuatl word that means, The heart of a flower symbol has to do with beauty and clarity. 
  • Cozamalotl, which translates to English as Rainbow, for a sign of diversity and unity. 
  • Matlalihuitzin – Full Meaning: Precious stone – The desired object indicates some rarity or special quality; symbolically precious. 
  • Tlaco-Flame– that’s desire, expressing heat and energy. 
  • Yolihuani – It represents life and strength, or force of life. 
  • Quetzal – the national bird of Costa Rica – the quetzal bird or simply quetzal stands for freedom and grace. 
  • Ticuani – Supernatural, meaning the supernatural power therefore religious. 
  • Tzitzit Mini – Hummingbird- represented by swiftness and happiness. 
  • Yolotzin is the heart because it is an organ that pertains to love/ emotions. 
  • Zolin – It means divine light which is synonymous with light or clarity. 
  • Xitlalitl – Starlight, is useful for giving direction as well as being a source of light in the darkness. 
aztec female names

Conclusion :

Selecting an Aztec name for the daughter is one of the ways of preserving the tradition of the Aztec people. As one can tell from the names, each was imbued with the principles and concepts of nature and spirituality, as well as the traditions of the Mesoamerican civilization. Aztec names have it all; if you need a strong name, a beautiful name, or a wise name, they will do the trick because they have names to suit all, and they are trendy. 

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