60+ Dinosaur Jokes For Kids – For Three Years And One-Liner

Everyone loves and has grown up with dinosaurs, thanks to their big sizes, and interesting and, of course, mysterious names. Oh, what would be better to entertain and teach young children than a list of 60+ Dinosaur Jokes For Kids that are specially made for them and definitely about dinosaurs?

Its roar is as loud as a T-Rex, but don’t worry, it’s not as scary as them, it is gentle like the Brachiosaurus, I’m sure these jokes will make them laugh and probably more curious about these creatures. 

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dinosaur jokes for kids

60+ Dinosaur Jokes For Kids:

1. Why did the dinosaur even need to go to school and if so, why did he have a string on him? 

 This is because having learnt about tie-tyrannosaurus rex he wanted one. 

2. What is the name of the big saurian that is very good at commanding many words? 

 A thesaurus! 

3. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl use the lavatory? 

 It is because the ‘P’ is silent! 

4. An aspiring humorous one saying Blazing T-Rex What did the dinosaur say when he saw the volcano erupting? 

 What a lava-ly day! 

5. How do you know indeed if there’s a dinosaur from the prehistoric days in bed with you. 

 By the dino-snore! 

6. You know, the way humor works best is when the punchline makes a point, and in this case, the point that the joke makes is that persistence is the defining character of a dinosaur or something that is visually obvious to at least one of the audience members such as when a dinosaur for whatever reason has opted not to get off the sousaphone. 

 A try-try-try-ceratops! 

7. What do you consider to be the reason that the dinosaur left his girlfriend either single or married? 

 That is how she informed a man that he is so dino-boring! 

8. I think one of the best comedic jokes for this group will be as follows: How do you know there is a dinosaur in the refrigerator? 

 Footprints in the butter! 

9. Recently, one student asked me these riddles: What is gray, has lots of words and goes ‘Rawr’? 

 A thesaurus! 

10. The answer can be summarized as the final number that can be expressed as an addition of the prime factorization of a number between 1 to 10 and the previous prime number to it. 


11. Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, How much do they weigh? Broccoli with sautéed pants! What’s a dinosaur’s least favorite Reindeer? 


12. If you have heard the joke What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up then spare some time to review other dinosaur jokes. 

 A try-try-try-ceratops! 

13. What do you call a dinosaur when it is sleeping? 

 A dino-snore! 

14. What is the term for a dinosaur that is a loud snorer? 

 A Bronto-snorus! 

15. What conversation did the dinosaur have when he saw that the volcano had erupted? 

 What aava-ly day! 

16. What was the reason that made dinosaurs always cheerful? 

Because he was saur-puss! 

17. What do you call 

 A thesaurus!

18. Three tales are told for each linear measure on, What do you call a dinosaur with one eye? 


19. What is a word that is similar to the word ‘pulchritudinous’? 

 A thesaurus! 

20. This famous joke goes like this: Q: What do you call a dinosaur that doesn’t eat meat? A: A herbivore-saurus. 

 A veggie-saurus! 

21. What did you call an intelligent dinosaur with good speaking ability, that is, what is the name of a dinosaur that speaks lots of words? 

 A thesaurus! 

22. Optimus rex, here the use of the pun in the form of a play on words is used whereby calling a dinosaur one-eyed, the answer comes out to be Optimus rex. 


23. What is the name of a large dinosaur that can speak a large number of words? 

 A thesaurus! 

24. What is a dinosaur that loves to eat selectively? 

 A veggie-saurus! 

25. What sort of dinosaur is a big wordsmith? 

 A thesaurus! 

26. What is the name of a one-eyed dinosaur? 


27. What’s mentioned with a large vocabulary if it is a dinosaur? 

 A thesaurus! 

28. If Harvey is a dinosaur then what will you call a dinosaur that is a select eater? 

 A veggie-saurus! 

29. The light bulb went off over my head as the answer occurred to me: what do you call a dinosaur with a very big lexicon? 

 A thesaurus! 

30. What common modern term is used to refer to a dinosaur 

dinosaur jokes for kids

31. What do you term a dinosaur that has director-like proficiency in vocabulary? 

 A thesaurus! 

32. What was the reason that the dinosaur had string to take with him to school? 

Because that is what Tyrannosaurus Rex would have wanted! 

33. What do the letters D I N O substitute for when it comes to reindeer? 


34. What did the dinosaur with the speech impediment do upon realizing the volcano was erupting? 

 What a lava-ly day! 

35. What made the dinosaur always joyous? 

 Still, he wanted to become a knight because he was a saur-puss! 

36. What do you find if you mystically mate a dinosaur with fireworks? 


37. What is a dinosaur that snores called? 

 A Bronto-snorus! 

38. What do you get if you have a dinosaur that doesn’t like to eat most food? 

 A veggie-saurus! 

39. Okay, here is another fun one – a play on words; Were you ever bewildered if you ever get a dinosaur to score a touchdown? 

 A dino-score! 

40. What is it called when a dinosaur talks a lot? 

 A thesaurus! 

41. Suppose someone has only one eye, then what would you say that piece of equipment is to a dinosaur? 


42. What is the reason for the dinosaur to end the intimacy with his girlfriend? 

 Just because she told him he was too dino-boring, right? 

43. By the way, do you know what you call a dinosaur that never gives up? 

 A try-try-try-ceratops! 

44. When you wake up in the morning and refuse to open your eyes and throw the covers back, and she’s all, “Oh, well, there wasn’t a dinosaur in my bed last night, you silly,” how do you know there wasn’t? 

 By the dino-snore! 

45. Seriously, what do you call a dinosaur who is no good at his jokes? 

 A dino-snore! 

46. What holiday destination do you think a dinosaur will prefer more? 

 Jurassic Park! 

47. What state do you think a dinosaur would like best? 


48. What do you get if you place a large vocabulary dinosaur near another one? 

 A thesaurus! 

49. What do you call an animal of the prehistoric age with a brain the size of a peanut and who has only one eye? 


50. What is common between a duck-billed dinosaur, a city situated in Pennsylvania, and a film star famous for being a movie monster? 

 A megalo-maniac! 

51. When and why did the dinosaur cross the road? 

 This didn’t because at that time chickens hadn’t evolved! 

52. This one is a little tricky but it is an awesome way to end the list, What’s a dinosaur’s favorite snack? 


53. I couldn’t help but think that what you call a dinosaur ghost is more important than whether Americans are willing to trim their waistline to fit into Jessica Simpson’s jeans. 

 A scare dactyl! 

54. What do you call a vicious three-headed dinosaur? 

 A thesaurus! 

55. If you have one eye you are called a MONOCLE; So a dinosaur with one eye will be called a MONOCLE! 


56. Here is my joke: What do you call a dinosaur that’s good at facilities? A party-dinosaur. 

 A megalo-maniac! 

57. What is the favorite food of a dinosaur? 


58. Indeed, it blows my mind why the dinosaur crossed the road. 

 Because chickens had not evolved yet! 

59. Where do spectacular dinos take their fun vacations? 

 Jurassic Park! 

60. What’s the dinosaur’s favorite state? 


61. What do you name the dinosaur that knows a lot of words? 

 A thesaurus! 

63. What do you name the dinosaur fun for the party? 

 A megalo-maniac! 

64. What does a dinosaur-like to eat for dinner? 


65. Where and why did the dinosaur cross the road? 


66. Because chickens had not evolved yet, you nimrod! 

 Jurassic Park! 

67. Where does a dinosaur like to be? 


68. What do you get when a dinosaur can speak fast, can it be called a wordsaurus? 

 A thesaurus! 

69. What is the name given to a dinosaur characterized by only one eye? 


dinosaur jokes for kids


Everyone loves and has grown up with dinosaurs, thanks to their big sizes, and interesting and, of course, mysterious names. Oh, what would fit better to entertain and teach young children than a list of jokes that are specially made for them and definitely about dinosaurs? Its roar is as loud as a T-Rex, but don’t worry, it’s not as scary as them, it is gentle like the Brachiosaurus, I’m sure these jokes will make them laugh and probably more curious about these creatures. 

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