Male Demon Names – 179+ Names With Meanings

 179+ Male Demon Names With Meanings:

  1. Abaddon – The Destroyer
  2. Agares – Duke of Hell, commands 31 legions of demons
  3. Ahriman – Evil spirit in Zoroastrianism
  4. Alastor – Executioner of hell
  5. Alloces – Duke of Hell
  6. Amaymon – Prince of Hell
  7. Amon – Marquis of Hell, commands 40 legions of demons
  8. Amy – President of Hell, commands 36 legions of demons
  9. Andras – Marquis of Hell, sower of discord
  10. Andrealphus – Marquis of Hell, commands 30 legions of demons
  11. Andromalius – Earl of Hell, brings back thieves and stolen goods
  12. Asmodeus – King of demons, associated with lust
  13. Astaroth – Grand Duke of Hell, treasurer of Hell
  14. Azazel – Standard-bearer of the armies of Hell
  15. Bael – First king of Hell
  16. Balam – Powerful king of Hell
  17. Barbas – Great President of Hell
  18. Barbatos – Duke of Hell, gives an understanding of animals
  19. Beelzebub – Lord of the Flies, Prince of Hell
  20. Belial – King of Hell, brings forth wickedness
  21. Belphegor – Demon of sloth and gluttony
  22. Berith – Duke of Hell, lies and gives false promises
  23. Bifrons – Earl of Hell, teaches sciences and arts
  24. Botis – President and Earl of Hell
  25. Buer – President of Hell, teaches moral and natural philosophy
  26. Bune – Duke of Hell, grants wealth and eloquence
  27. Caim – President of Hell, gives the understanding of birds
  28. Cimejes – Marquis of Hell, teaches logic and philosophy
  29. Crocell – Duke of Hell, teaches geometry and liberal sciences
  30. Dagon – Philistine demon of the sea
  31. Decarabia – Marquis of Hell, teaches the virtues of herbs and precious stones
  32. Eligos – Duke of Hell, reveals hidden things
  33. Eurynome – Prince of Hell
  34. Focalor – Duke of Hell, kills men and drowns them
  35. Foras – President of Hell, teaches logic and ethics
  36. Forneus – Marquis of Hell, teaches rhetoric and languages
  37. Furcas – Knight of Hell, teaches philosophy, astronomy, rhetoric, logic, chiromancy, and pyromancy
  38. Furfur – Count of Hell, liar, and deceiver
  39. Gaap – President and Prince of Hell, teaches liberal sciences
  40. Gadreel – Demon who taught men how to make weapons of war
male demon names

  1. Gamigin – Marquis of Hell, appears as a small horse
  2. Gemory – Duke of Hell, gives true answers about the past, present, and future
  3. Glasya-Labolas – President of Hell, reveals all things past and to come
  4. Gorgon – Demonic creature with a snake-covered head
  5. Gusion – Duke of Hell, gives answers about the past, present, and future
  6. Halphas – Earl of Hell, builds towns and commands 26 legions
  7. Haures – Duke of Hell, gives true answers of things past, present, and future
  8. Ipos – Prince of Hell, knows the past and the future
  9. Kobal – Demon of hilarity
  10. Leraje – Marquis of Hell, causes battles and disputes
  11. Leviathan – Sea demon, represents envy
  12. Lucifer – Light-bringer, fallen angel
  13. Malphas – President of Hell, builds houses and towers
  14. Mammon – Demon of wealth and greed
  15. Marbas – President of Hell, answers truly of hidden or secret things
  16. Marchosias – Marquis of Hell, gives true answers about the future
  17. Mastema – Angel of disaster and enmity
  18. Melchom – Paymaster of Hell
  19. Mephistopheles – A devil in German folklore
  20. Morax – President of Hell, teaches astronomy and liberal sciences
  21. Murmur – Duke of Hell, teaches philosophy
  22. Naberius – Marquis of Hell, makes men cunning in all arts
  23. Nergal – Chief of Hell’s secret police
  24. Nybbas – Manager of visions and dreams
  25. Orias – Marquis of Hell, teaches the virtues of the stars
  26. Ornias – A demon mentioned in the Testament of Solomon
  27. Orobas – Prince of Hell, gives true answers of things past, present, and to come
  28. Ose – President of Hell, makes men wise in liberal sciences
  29. Paimon – King of Hell, obedient to Lucifer
  30. Paymon – King of Hell, master of ceremonies
  31. Phenex – Marquis of Hell, teaches sciences and poetry
  32. Purson – King of Hell, knows hidden things
  33. Rahovart – Demon of the underworld
  34. Raum – Earl of Hell, steals treasures out of kings’ houses
  35. Ronove – Marquis of Hell, teaches rhetoric and languages
  36. Rimmon – Demon of storms and bad weather
  37. Samael – Venom of God, accuser
  38. Satan – Adversary, accuser
  39. Seere – Prince of Hell, can transport anyone anywhere in the world
  40. Semyaza – Leader of the Watchers, the angel who fell for lusting after human women. Another insightful blog to explore Unique Bunny Names.
male demon names

  1. Shax – Duke of Hell, takes away the sight, hearing, and understanding of any person
  2. Stolas – Prince of Hell, teaches astronomy and herbalism
  3. Succorbenoth – Chief eunuch of Hell
  4. Surgat – Opens all locks
  5. Sut – Egyptian god of evil and chaos
  6. Sytry – Prince of Hell, makes men love women
  7. Taniniver – Serpent from Jewish mythology
  8. Thamuz – Ambassador of Hell, inventor of artilleries
  9. Ukobach – Servant of Hell, maintains the oil in the infernal boilers
  10. Valac – President of Hell, reveals the location of hidden treasures
  11. Valefar – Duke of Hell, tempts people to steal
  12. Vapula – Duke of Hell, teaches philosophy and mechanics
  13. Vassago – Prince of Hell, reveals the past and the future
  14. Vepar – Duke of Hell, governs the waters and seas
  15. Vine – Earl of Hell, reveals hidden things
  16. Volac – President of Hell, reveals hidden treasures
  17. Vual – Duke of Hell, gives true answers about the past, present, and future
  18. Wierius – Demon who inflames men with wrath and causes war
  19. Xaphan – Fan the flames of Hell
  20. Yeqon – One of the leaders of the 200 Fallen Angels
  21. Yeter’el – Teaches humans to write
  22. Zagan – President of Hell, turns water into wine and blood into wine
  23. Zepar – Duke of Hell, makes women love men
  24. Ziminiar – One of the four chief dukes of Hell
  25. Abigor – Grand Duke of Hell, commands 60 legions of demons
  26. Adramelech – Chancellor of Hell, president of the high council of devils
  27. Agares – Grand Duke of Hell, controls 31 legions
  28. Aim – Great Duke of Hell, commands 26 legions
  29. Alocer – Grand Duke of Hell, commands 36 legions
  30. Amdusias – Great Duke of Hell, commands 29 legions
  31. Asmoday – King of Hell, associated with lust
  32. Astarte – Demoness, goddess of fertility and sexual love
  33. Ayperos – Prince of Hell, commands 36 legions
  34. Aziel – Teaches humans to make weapons and jewelry
  35. Balam – King of Hell, commands 40 legions
  36. Bane – Bringer of woe and ruin
  37. Barbatos – Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  38. Behemoth – Demon of gluttony
  39. Beherit – Demon of blasphemy
  40. Belial – Demon of worthlessness
male demon names

  1. Berith – Great Duke of Hell, commands 26 legions
  2. Bifrons – Demon of astronomy and other sciences
  3. Botis – President of Hell, commands 60 legions
  4. Buer – President of Hell, commands 50 legions
  5. Bune – Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  6. Caacrinolaas – President of Hell, commands 36 legions
  7. Claim – Great President of Hell, commands 30 legions
  8. Chax – Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  9. Corson – Demon of the west
  10. Crocell – Duke of Hell, commands 48 legions
  11. Dantalion – Duke of Hell, commands 36 legions
  12. Eisheth – Demoness, consort of Samael
  13. Euryale – Demoness, one of the Gorgons
  14. Flauros – Great Duke of Hell, commands 36 legions
  15. Focalor – Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  16. Foras – Great President of Hell, commands 29 legions
  17. Forneus – Great Marquis of Hell, commands 29 legions
  18. Furfur – Great Earl of Hell, commands 26 legions
  19. Ganga-Gramma – Demoness of diseases
  20. Gusion – Great Duke of Hell, commands 45 legions
  21. Halphas – Great Earl of Hell, commands 26 legions
  22. Ipos – Great Earl and Prince of Hell, commands 36 legions
  23. Jezebeth – Demoness of falsehoods
  24. Kasdeya – Fifth satan

Cool Male Demon Names:

  1. Kokabiel – The fallen angel, teaches astrology
  2. Lilin – Demonic offspring of Lilith
  3. Malthus – Earl of Hell, commands 26 legions
  4. Mammon – Demon of greed
  5. Marchosias – Marquis of Hell, commands 30 legions
  6. Mastema – Angel of disaster
  7. Melchiresa – Demon of the desert
  8. Murmur – Great Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  9. Naberius – Marquis of Hell, commands 19 legions
  10. Naamah – Demoness of seduction
  11. Naburus – Marquis of Hell, commands 19 legions
  12. Orias – Marquis of Hell, commands 30 legions
  13. Orthon – Familiar of the knight of Corasse
  14. Oze – President of Hell, commands 30 legions
  15. Pazuzu – Demon of the southwest wind
  16. Phenex – Great Marquis of Hell, commands 20 legions
  17. Philotanus – Demon of lust
  18. Raum – Great Earl of Hell, commands 30 legions
  19. Ronwe – Marquis of Hell, commands 19 legions
  20. Sabnock – Great Marquis of Hell, commands 50 legions
  21. Sales – Great Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  22. Samael – Angel of death
  23. Sargatanas – Brigadier Major of Hell
  24. Satanachia – Commanding general of Hell’s army
  25. Scox – Great Marquis of Hell, commands 30 legions
  26. Shax – Great Marquis of Hell, commands 30 legions
  27. Stolas – Great Prince of Hell, commands 26 legions
  28. Tanin’iver – Serpent demon in Jewish folklore
  29. Thamuz – Ambassador of Hell
  30. Uvall – Duke of Hell, commands 37 legions
  31. Valac – President of Hell, commands 30 legions
  32. Vapula – Duke of Hell, commands 36 legions
  33. Vassago – Prince of Hell, commands 26 legions
  34. Vepar – Great Duke of Hell, commands 29 legions
  35. Vine – Earl of Hell, commands 36 legions
  36. Ziminiar – One of the four chief dukes of Hell

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Expert’s Opinion:

Michael W. Ford, occultist and author of “Dragon of the Two Flames“:

Male demon names often carry significant meanings and symbolic power. For instance, ‘Abaddon’ translates to ‘destruction,’ while ‘Mammon’ signifies wealth and greed. These names are not just identifiers but also embody the attributes and domains of the demons.

Final Thought:

FAQs about Male Demon Names:

Here are frequently asked questions about male demon names are answered:

What are some cool demon names?

  1. Azazel – Often associated with the scapegoat rite and considered a fallen angel.
  2. Belial – A demon known for his lies and trickery.
  3. Lilith – Often depicted as a powerful and seductive demoness.
  4. Baphomet – Represented as a goat-headed deity often associated with occult practices.
  5. Leviathan – A sea monster or dragon symbolizing chaos.
  6. Beelzebub – Also known as the “Lord of the Flies,” associated with gluttony.
  7. Asmodeus – The demon of lust and one of the seven princes of Hell.
  8. Astaroth – A Great Duke of Hell and one of the most powerful demons.
  9. Mephistopheles – A demon featured in the Faust legend.
  10. Dagon – An ancient Philistine deity, later demonized in Christian tradition.

Who is the king of demons?

Lucifer is commonly referred to as the king of demons. In Christian tradition, he is considered a fallen angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven, becoming the ruler of Hell.

Who is the Lord demon?

Satan is often regarded as the Lord of demons. He is a central figure in many religious traditions, representing evil and opposition to God. In many texts, Satan and Lucifer are considered the same entity.

What is the rarest type of demon?

The concept of the “rarest” type of demon can vary based on mythology and folklore. However, Nephilim (the offspring of angels and humans) can be considered rare due to their unique and specific origin.

Which demon is the weakest?

Determining the weakest demon can be subjective, but in some traditions, lesser-known or minor demons such as Imp or Paimon (in some interpretations, although Paimon is powerful in others) might be considered weaker compared to the major demon lords and princes of Hell. Imps are often depicted as small, mischievous creatures with limited power.

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