Looking for a name that means pink? Selecting a name about a child, a pet, or a character, as a rule, implies the search for a meaningful and inspiring name. For people who are fascinated with pink color hence regarding it as the color for sweets, love, and tenderness then it can be a joy to select the right name for your baby.
In this particular list, more than 200 cherishing names are present, which either originated from different cultures or different languages having direct or similar meanings related to pink color.
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200+ Names That Mean Pink:
Names Meaning Pink or Rosy:
- Rosie – A traditional name based on the standard name of a rose that indicates love and beauty.
- Much of Sophie’s works are in Italian and they include Rosalia which is an Italian word meaning “rose blossom” in Latin.
- This attractive name is of French origin and it translates as rose. A good example is Rosalie.
- Rosa – A straight translation to Spanish and Italian means rose.
- Rosamund – an Old Germanic name derived from the words for horse and protection, and, additionally, roses.
- Rosanna – This is a blend of two other names Rose and Anna and requires the meaning of gracefulness of the rose.
- Rosette – A derived name from “rose” in that it is an example of a small rose.
- Primrose –This is the name of the flower of the early spring season that is typically pink in color.
- Varda – It is an Israeli name for a female meaning ‘rose’. ’
- Gulzar – An adjective of Persian origin that means the “garden of roses”.
Names With Pink Color Associations:
Fuchsia – Following the bright pink-purple flower.
Coral – A variety of gem quality ball and bar pearls as well as a hue pink-orange in streaked.
Carnation – is one of the types of flowers and it mostly has pink color.
Azalea – flowering shrub with pink flowers.
Pink blushes have enduring names; Sakura – Japanese for cherry blossom; pink of course.
Pink – a wide group of flowers that is represented by the Begonia genus.
Peony – A type of flower that comes in a pink hue.
Lotus – The pink lotus is a symbol of such elements as purity and enlightenment.
The flowering plant known to have pink-blooming varieties; is Camellia.
Zahra– An Arabic name given to the girl which means a flower, especially the pink flower.
Names Inspired by Pink Gems:
- Rose – a precious stone that may be pink in color.
- Morganite – Pink variety of beryl, named after J. P. Morgan.
- Rose Quartz – A delicate, bluish/pink hue of a gemstone thought to open the Heart Chakra.
Kunzite is a variety of spodumene that comes in shades of pink and lilac.
Names from Pop Culture and Literature:
- Lavender – A character from ‘Matilda’; The color is a pinkish purple, which somehow seems to be underrated or overshadowed by the more commonly known pink and purple color.
- Lush – it means that it is very pink, almost blush.
- Cherry – The type of face after the pink fruit.
- It applies your nickname Pinky in the broader context of meaning a person associated with the color pink.
- Petunia type of flower that grows mostly with pink flowers.
Names Meaning Pink or Rosy:
- Rosina – A diminutive form of the name ‘Rose’ that means, ‘little rose’.
- Rosita – A name which is a Spanish diminutive of the name Rose.
- It is a combination of “Rose” and “Lina” for the name means, beautiful rose.
- Rosalba is an Italian name that could be translated as white rose.
- Rosalyn – Derived from Rosalind, which means Rosalind gentle horse, beautiful rose.
- Roselyn: A variant name used for Rosalind, the name is derived from the words- rose and lyn.
- Rosamaria – To include the names Rose and Maria.
- Roswitha – An old Germanic name meaning fame, rose.
- Rosinka – Russian diminutive for the word Rose.
- Rozalia – is the Polish version of the word “Rosalia” which itself is derived from the word “Rose” meaning rose.
- Róisín – Irish name meaning “rose” and it’s a diminutive.
- Róis – It is the Irish Gaelic which means rose.
- Roos – This Dutch name is the variant of ‘Rose’.
- The name Lady Roosa – might perhaps originate from the Finnish variety of the word Rose.
- Rózsika – it is a type of Hungarian-origin baby name that is derived from the word Rose.
Names with Pink Color Associations:
- Magnolia – A tree that has flowers of pink and white.
- Dahlia – can be in so many colors including pink.
- Amber – Some can be pinkish which is a type of petrified tree resin.
- Jade – One type of gemstone that is found in pink hues.
- Pink is associated with Alexandrite, Azotic, Topaz, Dallaite, Aqua Zircon, and Rutile Quartz.
- Garnet – Some of the varieties are pink in shades.
- Moonstone – A type of stone that gives a pearly appearance to jewelry and it may be pink in color.
- Pearl: Generally, natural pearls can be pink.
- Tourmaline – A gemstone that comes in a different pink hue.
- Zircon – This is a gem mineral and its hues may include pink.
Names from Pop Culture and Literature:
- Sakurako – Japanese name for a child given by the name of Cherry blossom.
- Isolde – borrowed from German and could mean ‘flour’, ‘swan’, ‘pearl’, and ‘fleur’ which is French for ‘flower’ and is now especially used for ‘pink flower’.
- Flora– the word means Flower in the Latin language; also symbolizes pink flowers.
- Azami – this is a Japanese name given to the color of a thistle; the color is associated with Japanese culture and it is often pink.
- Lotus – A sweet-tempered flower indicating purity and rebirth; comes in pink color.
- Tsubaki – is a Japanese name that can be translated literally as “the camellia flower,” which blossoms in pink.
- Yuri – Japanese name for the color pink, means ‘Lily’.
- Cherry – Following the pink fruit and blossom.
- Peony – A flower that has large and pompous petals usually pink in color.
- Rose – A flower with large and colorful petals with pink types of the hibiscus flower.
Selecting a name that is or sounds like “pink” can deepen the levels of meaning and aesthetically appeal to an individual’s name. Whether it is choosing a more universal name such as Rosie or a more specific name such as Sakura it is seen that these names depict the entire range of the linguistic meaning and cultural associations linked to the color pink. Choose a name from the list of more than 200 shares below, all of which radiate with the pink color and are perfect for providing a fresh life, pet, or character with the needed charisma.

These names are the true embodiment of the beauty and important role the pink color plays combined with different traditions and cultures. To select a name, that is associated primarily with pink, or that kinda reflects the meaning of this color through nature, gems, or cultural references, there are numerous variants to consider individual tastes that would reflect the meaning of pink.
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