Due to this mystical and regal connotation of the color purple, many names take their root from this color irrespective of the culture or language they originate from.
Even though the names such as Violet or Lavender, denote the bewitchingly attractive color, they have their distinct meanings and background. The humble narrator dares to invite you to discover these 100 names that mean purple and, even if you are not going to be a mother or a confused father, these names still can attract your interest.
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100 Names That Mean Purple:
Names Meaning “Purple” or “Violet”:
- Violet – The name has been directly derived from the flower that has shades of purple color.
- Iolanthe – meaning ‘violet flower’ coming from the Greek language.
- Any Japanese girl whose name is Sumire because this name means violet.
- Fiolet is a VL usage: specifically, it is a Polish word meaning violet.
- Yolanda – Greek based – violet flower.
- Ione – Greek name that originates from Î&Ï NDash; Ι or Io, meaning “violet flower.
- Jolanda – Yolanda a name given to a girl meaning ‘jade’ and also ‘a violet flower’.
- Viola – rather the name given to her is Italian and comes from the flower known as the violet.
- Fiala – Czech which means violet.
- Zita – Greek /Meaning: little girl /Violet.
Names Meaning “Lavender”:
- Lavender – does not need any explanation as everyone knows that it is the name of the aromatic purple flower.
- Lavande L’incarnation française du mot anglais signifiant “lavande”.
- Lavandula – This is the Latin name for lavender and is made up of the word ‘lavare’ which means to wash in Latin and ‘ula’ which means ‘ethos’ which is a Greek word that means aim or purpose.
- Lavanya – A Sanskrit baby girl name that translates to grace or beauty, linked with the color purple.
- Lilac – Peculiar to a pale purple color along with being used as a name.
- Syringa – is used also as a name and the scientific name for lilac.
- Wisteria – A plant that has purple flowers, used for naming.
- Eliora – Hebrew name based on contracting El (my God) and Ohr (light), purple a symbol of royalty.
- Ilara – Greek name, the meanings are light, and purple.
- Nila – An Indian girl’s name taken from Sanskrit which refers to the color purple, which is the shade known as dark blue.
Names from Mythology and Literature:
- Amethyst – a purple gemstone that got its name from a character in Greek mythology.
- Lila is a Hindi name for girls which means Play, Divine play, and the linked color is purple.
- Orchid – The flower color is purple, and people use it as a name.
- Mauve – A periphery color, a shade obtained from purple; used in naming.
- Periwinkle: The name is used also as a color that is a shade of blue-tinted with purple.
- Heliotrope – A pretty colored flower; also a name for a precious stone.
- Sybil – Greek origin, means ‘prophet, oracular one’, the color of this birthstone is purple.
- Iris – A flower with a purple color; there is also a Greek goddess who has the same name.
- Clematis – One of the flowers that comes with purple types and has been employed as a name.
Hyacinth is a flower that has different colors but is purple; there is a youth in Greek mythology which was named Hyacinthos.
Names Inspired by Purple in Different Languages:
- Purpura – the Spanish term for “purple,” and the Portuguese counterpart.
- Murasaki – characters in Japanese originally meant ‘purple’.
- Purpurea – this is a Latin word that means’ purple’.
- Porpora – Sunset; the Italian word for the color purple.
- Morado Which is Spanish for the color purple.
- Lilas – actually, in French Lilas means ‘lilac’ a hue of purple.
- Purvi – The word means ‘East’ or ‘from the Eastern origin’ where the additional color Purple is added.
- Serena – Italian word meaning “swan” usually refers to the color green. Bleuette – French diminutive of “blue,” now used for shades of purple.
- Fioletowy is a Polish word for the color purple.
- Murasaki – literal translation from Japanese means ‘purple’.
Unisex Names with Purple Meanings:
- Indigo: This is a color that is raised to the level of a name, a deep purple-blue color.
- Iris – The flower that has genera in purple; unisex name.
- Jasper – A vibrant red/purple color or a stone of this color called Jasper was used as a name.
- Sage – a color intermediate of gray and purple, chosen as the name.
- Juniper – A type of berry, which is reddish-purple, was often used as a name.
Names with Variants and Derivatives:
- Violetta – Italian term which is derived from the name Violet.
- Iolanthe – Variant Iolanthe.
- Lavendera, Lavender variant.
- Yolande: a female first name, a variant of Yolanda.
- Lavonn – A pet form of the Telugu name Lavanya.
Names with Symbolic Meanings:
- Alyssum– the purple-flowering plant that stands for more than the face value.
- Evangeline – The name of Greek origin that translates to ‘bearer good news’; it has a connection with the color purple as far as literature is concerned.

Here’s a curated list of 50 names that mean purple, capturing the enchanting charm of this captivating color:
- Violet – Directly interpreted from the flower with the color usually violet.
- Iolanthe – Derived from the Greek, its meaning is Violet flower.
- Sumire: it is Nippoese in origin and is translated to mean ‘violet’.
- Fiolet is the Polish name for the color violet.
- Yolanda – For this beautiful baby girl, the name has Greek origin and the meaning is as pretty as its sounds – violet flower.
- Viola – Italian name, which is associated with a flower, namely, violet.
- Fiala – Czech location name meaning ‘violet’.
- Zita – The Greek meaning of this name is ‘Little girl’ or ‘Violet ‘. ‘
- Ione – faint, Greek name, with the meaning “violet flower.
- Sheep – By default, refers to the animal of that category, while its related word lavender directly refers to the purple flower.
- Lavande – The name means lavender, a flower native to southern Europe.
- Lavandula: From the Latin and means lavender, referring to the herb.
- Lavanya – Spelled as Lavanya – Sanskrit originated the lovely name of grace/ beauty, color is purple.
- Lilac – A hue of pale purple, also of people’s names.
- Syringa scientific name for lilac is used also as a name.
- Wisteria – A vine or climbing plant that bears purple flowers; also used as a name.
- Eliora – biblical, based on Hebrew, has the meaning “my God is my light,” violet/purple symbolic of royalty.
- Ilara is a modern Greek name that means light or purple.
- Nila – it is a Sanskrit name, which directly translates into ‘dark blue’ which in this case represents the color purple.
- Amethyst – A purple gemstone; goodness of a character after the death of the main male character in Greek mythology.
- Lila – A color attributed to purple and its meaning in Hindi is, ‘play’ or ‘divine play’.
- Orchid – The color purple is also the name.
- Mauve is defined as a light purplish tone adopted as a name.
- Periwinkle: For personal use as a name, it is a blue color with a tinge of purple.
- Heliotrope: A purple flower and gemstone.
- Sybil – Greek name meaning prophetess, or oracle, connected with the purple.
- Iris is a flora with some purple colors; it is the name of one of the Greek goddesses.
- Clematis – A plant that has produced purple kinds of flowers and was utilized for the name.
- Hyacinth – various in color, but predominantly purple – is a flower; there is also a youth in Greek mythology with this name.
- Purpura: Spain and Portugal are the origins of the term, the word is derived from Latin and means purple.
- Murasaki – literally translated from Japanese this word means “purple”.
- Purpurea is the Latin name for purple in a gender-neutral way.
- Porpora – an Italian name of the color purple.
- Morado which in Spanish translates to Purple.
- Lilas: meaning a color of purple in French just like lilac.
- Purvi – For this name’s meaning, “from the east” is derived from a combination of the food source it stands for; pur, or rice, and vi, or east in Sanskrit; the color purple.
- Bleuette – essentially a ‘blue’ color, but in France, used for purple color.
- Fioletowy – the Polish equivalent for the color purple.
- Indigo: This is a name derived from a shade of a color which is deep purple-blue.
- Jasper – A variety of colored quartz in a reddish-purple color, Used as a name.
- Sage – a grayish purple applied as a name.
- Juniper – palisander, an aromatic coniferous tree, and a reddish-purple berry, the use of which as a name was quite a favorite.
- Violetta – Italians’ variation of the name, Violet.
- Iolanthe –is a variation that is based on the name Iolanthe.
- Lavender – The name is derived from the color lavender, with the ‘a’ in the middle to give it some uniqueness.
- Yolande – a female given name derived from the name Yolanda that is also from the Hebrew language.
- Marknadsföring – En blommig labyrint med ett linfärgat blad som whistleblower och en text förkroppsligad av en purpur blommig hjälm.
- Magdalene /Evangeline – Evangeline is a Greek name that means ‘Bearer of good news’ and in the literature the color related to her is Purple.
- Zeru – Basque name meaning ‘sky,’ it is normally followed by the color purple.
- Eira – The name of Welsh origin, although meaning ‘snow’ it is also symbolic of the purple color, in a poetical way.

These names are also not limited to a singular culture or language besides expressing the beauty of purple as well as being unique for anyone who finds this color enchanting.
Learning about names that relate to the color purple also reveals the wealth in a variety of naming contexts from around the world. Perhaps one is enticed by the smooth-sounding Violet or simply the calm color of Lavender; these two are names that will last a lifetime and move from one generation to another across the globe. Names are given to a child, a pet, or even we get inspired by something seeing the color purple today can magically take over anyone’s mind and heart and that’s why here are 100 magical purple names.
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