Names are truly symbolic and hold cultural implications as they represent certain characteristics that society deems desirable. Examples of such symbols are A striking example we can consider the wolf, an animal that is associated with strength, devotion, and freedom.
Here you can find over 309 names that mean wolf for boys and girls. Whether you need a name for a hero, a clever character, or someone who values family, you will have an impressive choice because many cultures and languages are included. Let me explain what there is to know about Wolf Inspired Names and the story behind the names to assist you in the process of naming your child.
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309+ Names That Mean Wolf for Boys and Girls:
Boys’ Names:
- Adalwolf
- Adolph
- Adolfo
- Adolphus
- Agwang
- Ailbe
- Aley
- Amaury
- Amwolf
- Ardolph
- Bardalph
- Bardolf
- Bhaltair
- Bleiz
- Boris
- Canao
- Channing
- Channing
- Channon
- Chon
- Chyldebert
- Conall
- Conri
- Cuán
- Cynewulf
- Dolf
- Dolfi
- Dolph
- Eadwulf
- Eyolf
- Farkas
- Fenris
- Fenrisúlfr
- Fáelán
- Fridolf
- Frido
- Gonzalo
- Gorg
- Gunnolf
- Gwaew
- Hade
- Hadolf
- Hardwulf
- Ingolf
- Isangrim
- János
- Jelani
- Kenan
- König
- Lev
- Levon
- Lobo
- Lowell
- Loup
- Lykos
- Lyulf
- Maengun
- Melville
- Mowgli
- Nwolf
- Odolf
- Orson
- Otso
- Othello
- Phelan
- Raoul
- Randolph
- Raulf
- Raul
- Randulf
- Randulfus
- Ranulf
- Raulph
- Rodolfo
- Rollo
- Rolf
- Rudolf
- Sigewulf
- Stanfeld
- Stigr
- Stithulf
- Tamaska
- Ulf
- Ulfric
- Ulmar
- Ulric
- Ulrick
- Ulrik
- Urson
- Varg
- Vargulf
- Vilkas
- Vladimir
- Vuk
- Waya
- Welf
- Wendel
- Wodulf
- Wolf
- Wolfe
- Wolfgang
- Wulfaert
- Wulfe
- Wulfric
- Wulfwin
- Ylva
- Zeeb
Girls’ Names:
- Accalia
- Adolpha
- Adolphe
- Adolphine
- Adolpheina
- Amaruq
- Amarok
- Aredhel
- Blevine
- Blevyn
- Bleizwenn
- Brumhilda
- Channing
- Chayton
- Chibale
- Chibaleina
- Conwenna
- Connor
- Conwen
- Conwenna
- Daciana
- Dacia
- Dali
- Dellis
- Dima
- Edith
- Elda
- Elda
- Faelan
- Fenella
- Fenris
- Filippa
- Freki
- Fridolfina
- Gunilla
- Gunnild
- Gunnilda
- Gunnilla
- Hadley
- Helga
- Helle
- Hulda
- Ingolf
- Jacoba
- Jocasta
- Larentia
- Loba
- Lobelia
- Lowell
- Louve
- Lupe
- Lupetta
- Lupita
- Lupa
- Lovel
- Lyall
- Lyana
- Lyanna
- Lyka
- Lykaios
- Lyra
- Mowgli
- Narissa
- Nerissa
- Odolphi
- Odolpha
- Odolphina
- Odolphe
- Olfina
- Quannah
- Raula
- Raula
- Runa
- Shebah
- Susi
- Tala
- Talaitha
- Thala
- Ulfa
- Ulfhild
- Ulla
- Undine
- Undina
- Undine
- Ursel
- Ursula
- Ursola
- Urssula
- Wauna
- Waya
- Waynoka
- Wayra
- Wenda
- Wendy
- Windra
- Wulfhild
- Ylfa
- Ylvi
- Yvonne
- Zev
- Zeva
- Ziv
- Ziva
- Zivanka
- Zivania
- Zivanka
- Zivka
- Zivka
- Zivona
- Zivonne
- Zivonna
- Zara
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Final Thought:
Selecting a name that has a meaning of wolf may endear a child with power, autonomy, and integrity. If you’re seeking a name that reflects a culture, myth, or even a name that has a more powerful meaning then this article will provide you with over 309 names for boys and girls. And every single name has its history and meaning, and having all these options it is much easier to choose the corresponding name for your child.