What should I read about pregnancy in the Bible?

Pregnancy is one of the most long-awaited and significant events in a woman’s life, which is associated with happiness, expectation, and sometimes anxiety. It is thus important during this journey to be able to find comfort in the fact that faith and hope can be very serene. What should I read about pregnancy in the Bible?

Drawing from the scripture, hope, assurance, and counsel that are associated with pregnancy, the Bible is enticing to expectant mothers. Here are some powerful and comforting Bible verses that speak to the beauty and significance of pregnancy: Here are some powerful and comforting Bible verses that speak to the beauty and significance of pregnancy: 

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pregnancy in the bible

Read about pregnancy in the Bible:

1. Psalm 139:13-14 

  • Because You so formed me in my most inward part: You so interwoven me in my mother’s womb. You have made me fabulous; I am fearfully and wonderfully created; your works are marvelous, and I know this to be true. 
  • These verses from Psalms express the creative ability of God through the formation of life and affirm that every embryo is crafted out by the Master’s hand. It encourages mothers to keep hope as they are told that their children are special in the eyes of God. 

2. Jeremiah 1:5 

  • “Before you were conceived in your mother’s womb, I knew you, before you were born, I selected you; I have commissioned you as a prophet for the Gentiles. ” 
  • Jeremiah’s call as a prophet even before his birth illustrates God’s plan and knowledge for every person before their creation. This hymn emphasizes the sovereignty of God in the affairs of creation about the destiny of every individual. 

3. Isaiah 40:11 

  • He tends his flock like a shepherd: Lead with thee, my Galilean, the lambs in the fold; and that reft of a mate, he holds in his bosom to still; he gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. 
  • This verse gives a meticulous painting of how God cares for and guides His people using a shepherd who looks after his sheep. It comforts mothers to know that God has them surrounded throughout pregnancy. 

4. Psalm 127:3 

  • Children are a heritage from God; offspring are a reward from him. 
  • Proper childbearing is good and God’s gift, according to Psalm 127. It includes the aspects of happiness parents get from their children, which means that children are born as a gift from God to be taken care of by parents. 

5. Luke 1:45 

  • As surely as the Lord lives, my soul rejoices in God my Savior, for he has considered the humble state of his servant; from now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name. 
  • In this context, the verse said by Elizabeth to Mary is devoted to all women who believe in becoming mothers and trust in God’s words. It reminds the mothers there is faithfulness in God as they go through the stages of pregnancy. 

6. Isaiah 66:9 

  • “Is it [God] said that brings me to the moment of birth, and shall I not cause deliverance?” “Have I enclosed the womb?” asks your God, “when I am taking it to delivery?” 
  • Isaiah 66 would like to encourage the expectant mothers that God will not fail to see them through the process of childbirth. It confirms His sovereignty over the pregnancy and childbirth process as well. 
pregnancy in the bible

7. Psalm 113:9 

  • He brings the childless woman to her house and wins her heart as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord. 
  • This scripture, Psalm 113, discusses God as able to restore the barren and make them jump for joy. It affirms His sovereignty in reversed circumstances where barrenness can be transformed into overflowingly blessed. 

8. Proverbs 31:25 

  • She girds herself with strength, and her apparel is jubilation; she rises and calls to the days, to the future. 
  • While this verse is not related to pregnancy, it conveys the strength of women and the potential for courage, which is helpful during the difficulties and transformations of pregnancy. 

9. Philippians 4:6-7 

  • And do not have anxiety in anything, but in all things, make your requests with prayer and abstain with thanksgiving. Finally, my brethren, there is set before you the peace of God, which passes all understanding, and shall keep your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus. 
  • Pregnant women, in most cases, undergo cognitive stress due to the uncertainty that is common in these circumstances. These verses urge them to pray and not to worry because the peace of God guards their hearts and minds. 
  • And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. 
  • Romans 8:28 is a message for expectant mothers, showing them that all things that involve pregnancy, the struggle, and the pleasures are all worked out by God. They make believers of the people have hope and confidence in the divine providence of God. 

10. Psalm 113:3 

  • The blessing of the Lord is upon the old and the young, the man and the woman servants; in the morning and the evening, the praise of the Lord is there. 
  • This verse gives women who are expecting to give birth a counsel to always praise God, affirming that He is above and with them from morning to evening. 

11. Isaiah 40:31 

  • However, the preservation and renewing of strength of those who have hope in Jehovah only. They will fly on eagles’ wings; they will walk without becoming weary; they will run and not become faint. 
  • Isaiah 40:31 encourages the mothers to draw their strength and stamina from Jehovah as they wait on Him in the time of pregnancy. 

12. Psalm 34:17-18 

  • The Lord hears when the upright man prays; he saves him out of affliction’s way. He who sits enthroned in heaven is close to the one with a broken spirit and delivers the crushed in spirit. 
  • It again invokes confidence in mothers that these messages pass through God’s ears and comfort in such moments of change of mood or physical ailment. 

13. Matthew 11:28-30 

  • “If anyone is weary and carries a heavy burden, then that person should come to me, and I shall give him rest. Take my yoke upon you; you will learn from me, for I am gentle and my heart is humble. You will find rest for your soul. My yoke is easy and the burden is light. ” 
  • The passage from Matthew 11 gives comfort to pregnant women by extending an invitation to hope and rest in Jesus’ arms in this time of trial and stress. 

Yet, deprived of him, I can do all this through the strength that Christ supplies. 

The piece is a message to the mothers, saying they have the strength to face the test of pregnancy and motherhood through Christ. 

pregnancy in the bible


Pregnancy is one of the most long-awaited and significant events in a woman’s life, which is associated with happiness, expectation, and sometimes anxiety. It is thus important during this journey to find comfort in the fact that faith and hope can be very serene. The Bible is enticing to expectant mothers by drawing from the scripture hope, assurance, and counsel associated with pregnancy. 

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