Privacy Policy

At NexGen Toolkit, we are passionate about information privacy and data protection. Thus, we utilize a strong data security policy. This Privacy Policy is made so as to address the issues concerning the data which you your supply us with once you visit our site or use our services.

Information We Collect:

When you visit our Engage NexGen Toolkit, we may gather the private data of the persons and similar data towards the non-private persons. This may include:

Personal Information: This data, such as your name, email, mailing address, landline/telephone number, demographics, and other information you voluntarily provide when you fill out forms/register/subscribe, participate in a survey, and interact with our website are included.

Non-Personal Information: This contains information about IP address, browser type and device type, operating system, and other specific, non-personal technical data, which is collected automatically when you get on our website.

Our Key Purposes:

We use the information we collect for the following purposes: 

Offering anything from reservations to curating personalized itineraries at your convenience.

We are planning to release site and service improvements based on the feedback that comes to us from you.

As email newsletters work to keep the audience entering their inbox and still generate lasting effects, they become a marketing tool to regularly send information on relevant updates, promotions, and need-to-know news about NexGen Toolkit.

Aiming to find trends, attention rates, and demographic data while collecting and researching internal information.

Data Security:

We value the confidentiality of your details and thus take sufficient measures to adopt the most effective techniques to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. Nevertheless, I would like you to note that even the most established methods of internet transmission or electronic storage cannot guarantee a 100% security level and we cannot fully protect your information from this.

Disclosure of Information:

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal data to third parties with your information, but only when it is embraced by this Privacy Policy. This information may be shared with established third-party service providers, provided that they agree to maintain the confidentiality of such information. And they allow us to operate the website, conduct our business, or issue you the services

Third-Party Links:

For example, on our website, you may find links to third-party sites or services which are not affiliated. They are not owned or operated by NexGen Toolkit. Take notice that the privacy policy is of no consequence to us since third-party sites are not under our control. We suggest that it is advisable for you to give due consideration to reviewing the privacy policies of these third parties before volunteering any sensitive data.

Your Choices:

Inclusive rule, you have the right to access, update, or delete your personal information at your convenience. Other ways may seem for you to decide not to receive marketing content from us by following unsubscribe instructions in all of the electronic mails that we send you. Please take into account that refusal to sign up will not provide you with transactional or administrative messages from our company.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

We keep the answer open in case of the necessity to change this Privacy Policy at any time we may. Except for any revisions, what we post on this page comes into effect automatically. We request you to take a glance at this Privacy Policy at timely intervals to keep you informed about how we are ensuring your privacy.

Contact Us:

Feel free to contact us if you need more clarification, have baffles, or want to add something related to this Privacy Policy and our data practices at the Contact Us page.

Updated: May-2024

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