Vampires have always been appealing because they are dangerous yet brooding beasts that can seduce a lady at any time. Cataloging just all of the vampires, from the original Dracula to the current beloved Edward Cullen, these creatures of the night have wedged themselves into pop culture. However, as far as humor is concerned, there is more to Vampire Puns than the horror and suspense you get to read or watch.
To pay our respect to creatures of the night, we have collected the best 40 puns related to vampires that will make you laugh out loud. Prepare yourself for the ride of your (blood) sucking lives through a set that is red, wet, and writhing with deliciously gory awesomeness!
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40 Vampire Puns :
- What was the purpose that led the vampire to attend art school? Well, because he wanted to know how to draw blood!
- What is the favorite fruit of a Vampire? A blood orange.
- What drove the film’s plot home was the ability of the vampires to be easily fooled. Because they’re suckers.
- Okay, how do you tell that a vampire is sticking? By his coffin.
- What does a vampire like to have as a pet? A bloodhound.
- I saw a tweet from someone asking a question that has been rather existential for me over the past year; ‘Why don’t vampires use social media?’ They despise all those selfie-crazy people.
- How do the characters’ greetings begin corresponding with each other? “Tomb it may concern…”
- What is the favorite ice cream of a vampire? Vein-illa.
- What can be said about the fact that vampires could hardly be rather skilled at poker? Liberals can’t handle the stakes.
- This question is self-explanatory, about how vampires propagate themselves fitness-wise. They love coffins.
- What motivated the vampire to get a job at the blood bank? He wished that he was able to take the graveyard shift.
- What room do vampires dislike the most? The living room.
- What is a vampire’s preference for beverages? With a little bite.
- Who is always sick, vampires? They’re always running a fever.
- The elements of comedies include what and what? A blood vessel.
- What can be the reason behind having hatred with each other by vampires and werewolves? They’re always howling mad.
- What do you refer to as a vampire that prepares sandwiches? A bite-tender.
- Vampires’ existence in society can be explained by the fact that they can read newspapers. He learned the circulation was very good at the place.
- What do you reckon is a vampire’s preferred type of soup? Scream of tomato.
- Why do vampires have a fascination for baseball? Some transform their bodies into a bat during the night.
- There is comedy in asking what is a vampire’s favorite holiday. Fangsgiving.

- What are the reasons as to why vampires are known to shun Italy? It’s something that both of them get extremely bored with.
- Different communities may come up with different jokes; however, the most common and simple one that anyone can think of is: What’s a vampire’s favorite dance? The fang tango.
- Vampires are good at math because of well-known reasons that people are aware of but do not give much thought regarding them. They love to count.
- How do vampires commute? By bloodmobile.
- If the vampire couldn’t have blood what candy would be his/her favorite? Blood pops.
- An example of myths and stereotypes is asking why vampires do not qualify as good employee material. Well, they always fawn over the boss.
- Which music do you think a vampire would love? Blood metal.
- How does one particularly go around asking a vampire to a party? “Come for a bite!”
- What do you think makes a vampire’s favorite flower? Blood rose.
- What was the reason that you could give for a vampire getting a ticket? He was caught in a coffin.
- What is a favorite animal of a vampire? A bat, of course!
- What oppressive purpose did the vampire have when deciding to take a ladder to the bar? He was told that all drinks were being bought for him.
- What game do you suppose a vampire would like to play most of the time? Hide and shriek.
- It is a common joke that the best way to address or engage a vampire is by keeping them busy. Give him a counting book.
- What sweet snack do stars prefer when they are vampires? A blood sugar cookie.
- Those darned vampire types just seem to have a knack for art. Boy, do they know how to hook you?
- What food is a vampire’s dream to wake up to? Blood pancakes with syrup.
- Vampires born of technology seem to have no problem looking at mirrors, but, traditionally, vampires despise them and refrain from gazing into their reflections. They are unable to see their beauty.
Vampire puns are sure to drain the humor right out of your bank, so here we have the best of the lot with a Vampire puns list of 40 puns that will truly bewitch you.

Categorized as ‘creatures of the Night,’ these beings have shown a never-ending inclination towards entertainment. Perfect for a Halloween party, marriage proposal, humorous birthday card, or just for fun these puns will be a surefire success.
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