The Womens Medieval Names are therefore significant sojourns in the diverse and maturing periods of history allowing anyone keen to have a feel of the linguistic geography of the various epochs. The names given in the medieval period had special significance concerning religious aspects, natural elements, and the goals and ideals of the people at that time.
Unfortunately, another great name you are going to meet if you are in search of a historical and interesting name to give your female is medieval names for females. Here are some interesting options that may set you on a search:
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Women’s Medieval Names with Meanings and Origins:
1. Eleanor
- Origin: Related to the Provencal name Aliénor which in turn was borrowed from the Occitan name Alienor. What was originally a practice of the troubadours became famous with Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine in the 12th century.
- Meaning: more commonly translated as ‘the second Aenor’ which implies ‘the one from the other side,’ or ‘I am Other’ or ‘the other I. ’
2. Guinevere
- Origin: The name originates from the Welsh, maybe a variant of Gwenhwyfar meaning ‘white phantom’, ‘white spirit’.
- Meaning: Associated with chastity and the other world or otherworldliness; linked with the historical figure of Guinevere from the Arthurian romance literature.
3. Isolde
- Origin: Celtic origin, which might be a derivative of esal which means fair or beautiful.
- Meaning: It symbolizes beauty and elegance, appropriately used for the fatal role in Fish’s play Tristan and Isolde.
4. Matilda
- Origin: This name has been extracted from Germanic origin meaning strength in battle, from the composition of Mahthildis.
- Meaning: This name has the meaning of ‘Resilient’ or ‘strength’ a common moniker among medieval European royalty.
5. Aveline
- Origin: Origins of this name are from Old French Aveline, from the Germanic Avila or Avila.
- Meaning: It represents power and birds are part of the intermediary between a warrior and a gentlewoman in the context of the Middle Ages.

6. Rowena
- Origin: Old English, perhaps from the elements meaning fame; and joy.
- Meaning: Also represents elegance and happiness and is related to calling attention to literary and historical events.
7. Adelaide
- Origin: Derived from the Old High German name Adalheidis composed of the first element for noble and the second element From for kind.
- Meaning: Stands for chivalry and benevolence, many medieval queens and saints had it as their given name.
8. Elaine
- Origin: Old French origin probably an Old French form of Helen, meaning ‘light or torch. ’
- Meaning: It symbolizes light and offers beauty and often represents characters from the fairy tales of King Arthur.
9. Sybil
- Origin: Sibyl, ‘the feminine derivative of sibylla, meaning prophetess or an oracle in Greek.
- Meaning: Symbolizes shrewdness and understanding; the name with magical connotations in the middle age in Europe.
10. Clarice
- Origin: Old clarion: this one is derived from the Latin Clarus which means ‘bright or clear’.
- Meaning: Refers to clarity and purity; this name became more famous in the Middle Ages.
Why Pick a Medieval Name?
- Modern medieval female names are not only a stunning accent and a distinct name for the child; they are the history of courageous women, intelligent advisers, and timeless beauty. If it is the stories of queens that fascinate you or the poetry of the early civilizations and the languages they used, these names lend a historical reference. They also can be a reminder of great people who influenced the Middle Ages.
Choosing a name for living in the medieval epoch, focuses on the meaning of this name and its correlation with the person’s values and dreams. It is a tradition, for example, to give a girl a name that reflects strength, such as Matilda, and on the other extreme, a gentle name like Isolde.

Finally, while looking for medieval names for females, one is not only choosing a name but also successfully blending into the name she has chosen a piece of history and the timeless classics intrinsic to women. May these names be of help to you as you begin your search for that special name with tradition and uniqueness.
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