Names That Means Protector – 342+Boy Names With Lucky Color

In naming baby boys, many factors come into consideration for selecting the most appropriate name with perfect meaning. Boys are prone to personify defenders and fighters.

Intro to Names That Means Protector:

 names that mean protector

Symbolic monikers ‘protector’, ‘guardian’, ‘defender’, or ‘warrior’ are essential to show strength, courage, power, and trustworthiness.

Starting from be-Arnold, which means protector, to Diamont and Sigmund. You may also like to read about 27 Useful Tips To Be a Best Mother.

Bring to speech these lists and find for your babies inspiring and unconventional names of nature that prevail in our mother earth.

Boy Names That Mean Protector From “A”:

Name Meaning Nature Lucky Number Lucky Day Lucky Color
Aaron Exalted, strong Confident, determined 9 Sunday Blue
Abel Breath Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Monday Yellow
Abraham Father of many Kind-hearted, generous 7 Tuesday Blue
Adam Man of the earth Grounded, stable 6 Wednesday Green
Adrian From Hadria Strong, resilient 5 Thursday Blue
Aidan Fiery Passionate, determined 4 Friday Yellow
Alan Handsome, cheerful Optimistic, joyful 3 Saturday Blue
Albert Noble, bright Kind-hearted, intelligent 2 Sunday Green
Alec Defending men Protective, strong 1 Monday Blue
Alex Defending men Protective, strong 9 Tuesday Green
Alexander Defending men Protective, strong 8 Wednesday Blue
Alfred Wise counselor Wise, reliable 7 Thursday Yellow
Allan Handsome, cheerful Optimistic, joyful 6 Friday Blue
Allen Handsome, cheerful Optimistic, joyful 5 Saturday Green
Alvin Noble friend Kind-hearted, loyal 4 Sunday Blue
Andrew Manly, brave Strong, resilient 3 Monday Green
Andy Manly, brave Strong, resilient 2 Tuesday Blue
Anthony Priceless one Valuable, dependable 1 Wednesday Green
Archie Genuine, bold Confident, determined 9 Thursday Blue
Arthur Bear, strong Brave, resilient 8 Friday Yellow
Asher Happy, blessed Optimistic, joyful 7 Saturday Blue
Ashton Ash tree town Grounded, stable 6 Sunday Green
Austin Majestic dignity Confident, determined 5 Monday Blue
Avery Ruler of elves Confident, determined 4 Tuesday Green

Another collection to Read the Latest 207+Names That Mean King.

Boy Names Starting From “B”:

Baby Boy

Name Meaning Nature Lucky Number Lucky Day Lucky Color
Barry Bear, strong Brave, resilient 3 Wednesday Blue
Beau Beautiful, handsome Charming, confident 2 Thursday Green
Ben Son of the right-hand Kind-hearted, loyal 1 Friday Blue
Benjamin Son of the right-hand Kind-hearted, loyal 9 Saturday Green
Bennett Blessed Optimistic, joyful 8 Sunday Blue
Bernard Bear, strong Brave, resilient 7 Monday Green
Bert Bright, famous Confident, determined 6 Tuesday Blue
Billy Resolute protector Protective, resilient 5 Wednesday Green
Blake Dark, fair Strong, resilient 4 Thursday Blue
Bob Bright, famous Confident, determined 3 Friday Yellow
Bobby Bright, famous Confident, determined 2 Saturday Blue
Brad Wide, broad Adventurous, free-spirited 1 Sunday Green
Bradley Wide, broad Adventurous, free-spirited 9 Monday Blue
Brady Broad, spirited Adventurous, free-spirited 8 Tuesday Green
Brandon Broom hill Grounded, stable 7 Wednesday Blue
Brayden Wide, broad Adventurous, free-spirited 6 Thursday Yellow
Brendan Prince Confident, assertive 5 Friday Blue
Brett From Brittany Adventurous, free-spirited 4 Saturday Green
Brian Strong, virtuous Brave, resilient 3 Sunday Blue
Brody Ditch, muddy place Grounded, stable 2 Monday Green
Brooks Small stream Grounded, stable 1 Tuesday Blue
Bruce Woods Grounded, resilient 9 Wednesday Green
Bryce Speckled, freckled Adventurous, free-spirited 8 Thursday Blue
Bryson Son of Brice Adventurous, free-spirited 7 Friday Green

baby by

Boy Names Starting From “C”:

Caleb Wholehearted Passionate, determined 6 Saturday Blue
Calvin Bald Strong, resilient 5 Sunday Green
Cameron Crooked nose Adventurous, free-spirited 4 Monday Blue
Carl Manly Strong, resilient 3 Tuesday Green
Carson Marsh Grounded, stable 2 Wednesday Blue
Carter Transporter of goods by cart Resilient, determined 1 Thursday Green
Casey Vigilant, watchful Resilient, determined 9 Friday Blue
Chad Warrior Strong, resilient 8 Saturday Yellow
Chandler Candlemaker Creative, resourceful 7 Sunday Blue
Charles Freeman Adventurous, free-spirited 6 Monday Green
Charlie Freeman Adventurous, free-spirited 5 Tuesday Blue
Chase Hunter Adventurous, free-spirited 4 Wednesday Green
Chris Bearer of Christ Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Thursday Blue
Christian Bearer of Christ Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Friday Green
Christopher Bearer of Christ Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Saturday Blue
Clarence Bright, clear Optimistic, joyful 9 Sunday Green
Clark Cleric, scribe Wise, intelligent 8 Monday Blue
Clay Settlement by the clay pit Grounded, resilient 7 Tuesday Green
Clifford Cliff by the Ford Brave, resilient 6 Wednesday Blue
Clint Town near a slope Grounded, stable 5 Thursday Green
Clinton Town near a slope Grounded, stable 4 Friday Blue
Clyde Warm, comfortable Grounded, stable 3 Saturday Green
Cody Pillow Comforting, caring 2 Sunday Blue
Colby Dark, coal-black Strong, resilient 1 Monday Green
Cole Coal black Strong, resilient 9 Tuesday Blue
Coleman Coal black Strong, resilient 8 Wednesday Green
Colin Victory of the people Confident, determined 7 Thursday Blue
Collin Victory of the people Confident, determined 6 Friday Green
Colton Coal town Strong, resilient 5 Saturday Blue
Conner Wise, exalted Confident, determined 4 Sunday Green
Connor Wise, exalted Confident, determined 3 Monday Blue
Conor Wise, exalted Confident, determined 2 Tuesday Green
Cooper Barrel maker Resourceful, determined 1 Wednesday Blue
Cory Hollow, helmet Strong, resilient 9 Thursday Green
Courtney From the court Confident, determined 8 Friday Blue
Craig Rock Grounded, resilient 7 Saturday Green
Curtis Polite, courteous Kind-hearted, respectful 6 Sunday Blue

Names Meaning Protector for Boys Starting From “D”:

Dale Valley Grounded, stable 5 Monday Green
Dallas Meadow dwelling Grounded, stable 4 Tuesday Blue
Dalton Town in the valley Grounded, stable 3 Wednesday Green
Damian To tame, subdue Strong, determined 2 Thursday Blue
Damon To tame, subdue Strong, determined 1 Friday Green
Dan God is my judge Faithful, determined 9 Saturday Blue
Dane God is my judge Faithful, determined 8 Sunday Green
Daniel God is my judge Faithful, determined 7 Monday Blue
Danny God is my judge Faithful, determined 6 Tuesday Green
Dante Enduring Resilient, determined 5 Wednesday Blue
Darin Present, gift Kind-hearted, generous 4 Thursday Green
Darius Rich and kingly Confident, determined 3 Friday Blue
Darren Great Confident, determined 2 Saturday Green
Daryl Dear, beloved Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Sunday Blue
Dave Beloved Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Monday Green
David Beloved Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Tuesday Blue
Dean Valley Grounded, stable 7 Wednesday Green
Declan Man of prayer Peaceful, compassionate 6 Thursday Blue
Dennis Wild, frenzied Adventurous, free-spirited 5 Friday Green
Derek Ruler of the people Confident, determined 4 Saturday Blue
Devin Poet Artistic, creative 3 Sunday Green
Devon Poet Artistic, creative 2 Monday Blue
Dexter Right-handed, fortunate one Optimistic, joyful 1 Tuesday Green
Dominic Belonging to the Lord Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Wednesday Blue
Don World leader Strong, resilient 8 Thursday Green
Donald World leader Strong, resilient 7 Friday Blue
Douglas Dark River Grounded, stable 6 Saturday Green
Doyle Dark foreigner Strong, resilient 5 Sunday Blue
Drew Manly, brave Strong, resilient 4 Monday Green
Duane Warrior Strong, resilient 3 Tuesday Blue
Dustin Valiant fighter Brave, resilient 2 Wednesday Green
Dylan Sea, wave Adventurous, free-spirited 1 Thursday Blue

Boy Names Starting From “E”:

names that mean protector

Earl Nobleman Kind-hearted, generous 9 Friday Green
Eddie Wealthy guard Protector, reliable 8 Saturday Blue
Edgar Fortunate and powerful Optimistic, joyful 7 Sunday Green
Edmund Fortunate protector Protector, resilient 6 Monday Blue
Eduardo Wealthy guard Protector, reliable 5 Tuesday Green
Edward Wealthy guard Protector, reliable 4 Wednesday Blue
Edwin Wealthy friend Kind-hearted, loyal 3 Thursday Green
Elias Jehovah is God Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Friday Blue
Elijah Jehovah is God Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Saturday Green
Elliot The Lord is my God Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Sunday Blue
Elliott The Lord is my God Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Monday Green
Ellis Benevolent Kind-hearted, generous 7 Tuesday Blue
Emilio Industrious Hard-working, determined 6 Wednesday Green
Emmanuel God is with us Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Thursday Blue
Emmett Industrious Hard-working, determined 4 Friday Green
Enrique Ruler of the estate Confident, determined 3 Saturday Blue
Eric Eternal ruler Confident, determined 2 Sunday Green
Erick Ruler, eternal Confident, determined 1 Monday Blue
Erik Eternal ruler Confident, determined 9 Tuesday Green
Ernest Serious, resolute Hard-working, determined 8 Wednesday Blue
Ethan Strong, firm Brave, resilient 7 Thursday Green
Evan Young warrior Brave, resilient 6 Friday Blue
Everett Brave, strong boar Brave, resilient 5 Saturday Green

Boy Names Meaning Protector Starting From “F”:

Felix Happy, fortunate Optimistic, joyful 4 Sunday Blue
Fernando Adventurous, bold Adventurous, free-spirited 3 Monday Green
Finn White, fair Brave, resilient 2 Tuesday Blue
Forrest Of the woods Grounded, stable 1 Wednesday Green
Francis Freeman Adventurous, free-spirited 9 Thursday Blue
Frank Freeman Adventurous, free-spirited 8 Friday Green
Franklin Freeman Adventurous, free-spirited 7 Saturday Blue
Fred Peaceful ruler Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Sunday Green
Freddie Peaceful ruler Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Monday Blue
Freddy Peaceful ruler Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Tuesday Green
Frederick Peaceful ruler Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Wednesday Blue

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Boy Names Starting From “G”:

Gabriel God is my strength Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Thursday Green
Gage Pledge, oath Confident, determined 1 Friday Blue
Gary Spear, to pierce Strong, resilient 9 Saturday Green
Gavin White hawk Brave, resilient 8 Sunday Blue
Gene Well-born, noble Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Monday Green
Geoffrey God’s peace Peaceful, compassionate 6 Tuesday Blue
George Farmer Grounded, resilient 5 Wednesday Green
Gerald Ruler with the spear Confident, determined 4 Thursday Blue
Gilbert Bright promise Optimistic, hopeful 3 Friday Green
Giovanni God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Saturday Blue
Glen Valley Grounded, stable 1 Sunday Green
Glenn Valley Grounded, stable 9 Monday Blue
Gordon Great hill Strong, resilient 8 Tuesday Green
Grady Noble Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Wednesday Blue
Graham Gravelly homestead Grounded, resilient 6 Thursday Green
Grant Great, large Strong, resilient 5 Friday Blue
Grayson Son of the bailiff Brave, resilient 4 Saturday Green
Greg Watchful, vigilant Resilient, determined 3 Sunday Blue
Gregg Watchful, vigilant Resilient, determined 2 Monday Green
Gregory Watchful, vigilant Resilient, determined 1 Tuesday Blue
Guy Guide Wise, determined 9 Wednesday Green

names that mean protector

Boy Names Starting From “H”:

Harold Army ruler Confident, determined 8 Thursday Blue
Harrison Son of Harry Strong, resilient 7 Friday Green
Harry Army ruler Confident, determined 6 Saturday Blue
Harvey Army warrior Strong, resilient 5 Sunday Green
Hector Steadfast Confident, determined 4 Monday Blue
Henry Ruler of the household Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Tuesday Green
Herbert Bright warrior Strong, resilient 2 Wednesday Blue
Homer Pledge, hostage Confident, determined 1 Thursday Green
Horace Timekeeper Grounded, stable 9 Friday Blue
Howard High guardian Protector, resilient 8 Saturday Green
Hudson Son of Hud Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Sunday Blue
Hugh Mind, intellect Wise, determined 6 Monday Green
Hugo Mind, intellect Wise, determined 5 Tuesday Blue
Hunter One who hunts Brave, resilient 4 Wednesday Green

Boy Names Starting From “I”:

Ian God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Thursday Blue
Ibrahim Father of many Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Friday Green
Ignacio Fiery Passionate, determined 1 Saturday Blue
Ignatius Fiery Passionate, determined 9 Sunday Green
Irvin White, fair Brave, resilient 8 Monday Blue
Irving Green, freshwater Grounded, stable 7 Tuesday Green
Isaac He will laugh Optimistic, joyful 6 Wednesday Blue
Isaiah God is salvation Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Thursday Green
Ishmael God will hear Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Friday Blue
Ivan God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Saturday Green

Boy Names Starting From “J”:

Jack God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Sunday Blue
Jackson God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Monday Green
Jacob Supplanter Wise, determined 9 Tuesday Blue
Jaden God has heard Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Wednesday Green
Jake Supplanter Wise, determined 7 Thursday Blue
Jalen God has healed Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Friday Green
James Supplanter Wise, determined 5 Saturday Blue
Jameson Supplanter Wise, determined 4 Sunday Green
Jamie Supplanter Wise, determined 3 Monday Blue
Jared Descend Confident, determined 2 Tuesday Green
Jason To heal Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Wednesday Blue
Jasper Bringer of treasure Optimistic, joyful 9 Thursday Green
Javier New House Grounded, resilient 8 Friday Blue
Jay Bluejay, bird name Optimistic, joyful 7 Saturday Green
Jayce To heal Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Sunday Blue
Jayden God has heard Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Monday Green
Jaylen God has healed Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Tuesday Blue
Jayson Jason, to heal Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Wednesday Green
Jean God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Thursday Blue
Jeff God’s peace Peaceful, compassionate 1 Friday Green
Jefferson Jeff’s son Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Saturday Blue
Jeffery God’s peace Peaceful, compassionate 8 Sunday Green
Jeffrey God’s peace Peaceful, compassionate 7 Monday Blue
Jensen God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Tuesday Green
Jeremiah God will raise Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Wednesday Blue
Jeremy God will raise Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Thursday Green
Jerome Sacred name Wise, determined 3 Friday Blue
Jerry Ruler with the spear Confident, determined 2 Saturday Green
Jesse Gift Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Sunday Blue
Jessie Gift Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Monday Green
Jesus God is salvation Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Tuesday Blue
Jim Supplanter Wise, determined 7 Wednesday Green
Jimmy Supplanter Wise, determined 6 Thursday Blue
Joaquin God will judge Confident, determined 5 Friday Green
Jody Praised, glorified Optimistic, joyful 4 Saturday Blue
Joe God will increase Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Sunday Green
Joel God is willing Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Monday Blue
Joey God will increase Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Tuesday Green
John God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Wednesday Blue
Johnathan God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Thursday Green
Johnathon God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Friday Blue
Johnny God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Saturday Green
Jon God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Sunday Blue
Jonah Dove Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Monday Green
Jonas Dove Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Tuesday Blue
Jonathan God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Wednesday Green
Jordan To flow, descend Grounded, resilient 1 Thursday Blue
Jorge Farmer Grounded, resilient 9 Friday Green
Jose God will increase Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Saturday Blue
Joseph God will increase Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Sunday Green
Josh God rescues Brave, resilient 6 Monday Blue
Joshua God rescues Brave, resilient 5 Tuesday Green
Josiah Fire of the Lord Passionate, determined 4 Wednesday Blue
Josue God rescues Brave, resilient 3 Thursday Green
Juan God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Friday Blue
Judah Praised Optimistic, joyful 1 Saturday Green
Jude Praised Optimistic, joyful 9 Sunday Blue
Judson Son of Jordan Grounded, resilient 8 Monday Green
Julian Youthful, downy-bearded Optimistic, joyful 7 Tuesday Blue
Julio Youthful, downy-bearded Optimistic, joyful 6 Wednesday Green
Julius Youthful, downy-bearded Optimistic, joyful 5 Thursday Blue
Junior The younger one Optimistic, joyful 4 Friday Green
Justin Just, righteous Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Saturday Blue

Boy Names Starting From “K”:

Kaden Companion Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Sunday Green
Kai Sea, willow tree Grounded, stable 1 Monday Blue
Kaleb Dog, loyal Brave, resilient 9 Tuesday Green
Kameron A modern variant of Cameron Brave, resilient 8 Wednesday Blue
Karl Manly, strong Strong, resilient 7 Thursday Green
Kasey Alert, vigorous Optimistic, joyful 6 Friday Blue
Kason Kean’s son Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Saturday Green
Kayden Companion Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Sunday Blue
Kayne Warrior Brave, resilient 3 Monday Green
Keegan Small flame Passionate, determined 2 Tuesday Blue
Keith Forest Grounded, stable 1 Wednesday Green
Kellan Powerful Strong, resilient 9 Thursday Blue
Kellen Powerful Strong, resilient 8 Friday Green
Kelly Warrior Brave, resilient 7 Saturday Blue
Kelsey Ship’s victory Optimistic, joyful 6 Sunday Green
Kendall Valley of the River Kent Grounded, stable 5 Monday Blue
Kendrick Royal ruler Confident, determined 4 Tuesday Green
Kennedy Ugly head Grounded, resilient 3 Wednesday Blue
Kenneth Handsome Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Thursday Green
Kenny Handsome Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Friday Blue
Kent White Optimistic, joyful 9 Saturday Green
Kenton From the edge of the town Grounded, resilient 8 Sunday Blue
Kenyon Blond Optimistic, joyful 7 Monday Green
Kevin Kind Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Tuesday Blue
Kian Ancient Wise, determined 5 Wednesday Green
Kieran Black Brave, resilient 4 Thursday Blue
Kolby Dark-haired Optimistic, joyful 3 Friday Green
Kole Victorious people Optimistic, joyful 2 Saturday Blue
Kolton Coal town or settlement Optimistic, joyful 1 Sunday Green
Kris Christ-bearer Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Monday Blue
Kurt Wise counsel Wise, determined 8 Tuesday Green
Kyle Narrow, straight Grounded, stable 7 Wednesday Blue

cute boy

Boy Names Starting From “L”:

Lance Land Grounded, stable 6 Thursday Green
Landon Long hill Grounded, resilient 5 Friday Blue
Lane Pathway Grounded, stable 4 Saturday Green
Larry Laurel Optimistic, joyful 3 Sunday Blue
Lawrence Laurel Optimistic, joyful 2 Monday Green
Lawson Law’s son Wise, determined 1 Tuesday Blue
Lee Pasture, meadow Grounded, stable 9 Wednesday Green
Leland Meadowland Optimistic, joyful 8 Thursday Blue
Lemuel Devoted to God Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Friday Green
Leo Lion Brave, resilient 6 Saturday Blue
Leon Lion Brave, resilient 5 Sunday Green
Leonard Brave lion Brave, resilient 4 Monday Blue
Leonardo Brave lion Brave, resilient 3 Tuesday Green
Leonel Young lion Brave, resilient 2 Wednesday Blue
Leonidas Son of a lion Brave, resilient 1 Thursday Green
Leroy The King Optimistic, joyful 9 Friday Blue
Leslie Garden of hollies Optimistic, joyful 8 Saturday Green
Levi Joined, attached Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Sunday Blue
Lewis Famed warrior Brave, resilient 6 Monday Green
Liam Strong-willed warrior Strong, resilient 5 Tuesday Blue
Lorenzo Laurel Optimistic, joyful 4 Wednesday Green
Louis Famed warrior Brave, resilient 3 Thursday Blue
Loyd Gray Wise, determined 2 Friday Green
Lucas Light-giving Optimistic, joyful 1 Saturday Blue
Lucian Light Optimistic, joyful 9 Sunday Green
Luciano Light Optimistic, joyful 8 Monday Blue
Lucien Light Optimistic, joyful 7 Tuesday Green
Lucius Light Optimistic, joyful 6 Wednesday Blue
Luis Famed warrior Brave, resilient 5 Thursday Green
Luka Bringer of light Optimistic, joyful 4 Friday Blue
Lukas Bringer of light Optimistic, joyful 3 Saturday Green
Luke Light-giving Optimistic, joyful 2 Sunday Blue
Lupe Wolf Brave, resilient 1 Monday Green
Luther Warrior of the people Brave, resilient 9 Tuesday Blue
Lyle The island Grounded, resilient 8 Wednesday Green
Lynn A cascade Grounded, stable 7 Thursday Blue

Boy Names Starting From “M”:

Mack Little Mac Optimistic, joyful 6 Friday Green
Maddox Beneficent Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Saturday Blue
Madeleine Woman from Magdala Grounded, resilient 4 Sunday Green
Madison Child of Maud Optimistic, joyful 3 Monday Blue
Magnus Great, large Strong, resilient 2 Tuesday Green
Makai From the sea Grounded, stable 1 Wednesday Blue
Marc God of war Brave, resilient 9 Thursday Green
Marco God of war Brave, resilient 8 Friday Blue
Marcos God of war Brave, resilient 7 Saturday Green
Marcus God of war Brave, resilient 6 Sunday Blue
Mario Manly, virile Strong, resilient 5 Monday Green
Marion Warlike Brave, resilient 4 Tuesday Blue
Mark Warlike Brave, resilient 3 Wednesday Green
Marley Pleasant seaside meadow Optimistic, joyful 2 Thursday Blue
Marlon Little hawk Brave, resilient 1 Friday Green
Marques Nobleman Strong, resilient 9 Saturday Blue
Marquez Nobleman Strong, resilient 8 Sunday Green
Marquis Nobleman Strong, resilient 7 Monday Blue
Marquise Nobleman Strong, resilient 6 Tuesday Green
Martin Warlike Brave, resilient 5 Wednesday Blue
Marty Warlike Brave, resilient 4 Thursday Green
Marvin Friend of the sea Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Friday Blue
Mason Stone worker Grounded, resilient 2 Saturday Green
Massimo Greatest Optimistic, joyful 1 Sunday Blue
Mat Gift of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Monday Green
Mateo Gift of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Tuesday Blue
Mathew Gift of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Wednesday Green
Matias Gift of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Thursday Blue
Matteo Gift of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Friday Green
Matthew Gift of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Saturday Blue
Maurice Dark-skinned, Moorish Brave, resilient 3 Sunday Green
Mauricio Dark-skinned, Moorish Brave, resilient 2 Monday Blue
Maverick Independent, nonconformist Brave, resilient 1 Tuesday Green
Max Great, Greatest Strong, resilient 9 Wednesday Blue
Maxim Greatest Strong, resilient 8 Thursday Green
Maximilian Greatest Strong, resilient 7 Friday Blue
Maximus Greatest Strong, resilient 6 Saturday Green
Maxwell Greatest stream Optimistic, joyful 5 Sunday Blue
Micah Who is like the Lord Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Monday Green
Michael Who is like God? Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Tuesday Blue
Michal Who is like God? Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Wednesday Green
Michel Who is like God? Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Thursday Blue
Miguel Who is like God? Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Friday Green
Mika Who is like God? Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Saturday Blue
Mikhail Who is like God? Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Sunday Green
Miles Soldier Brave, resilient 6 Monday Blue
Milo Mild, peaceful Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Tuesday Green
Mitch Who is like God? Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Wednesday Blue
Mitchell Who is like God? Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Thursday Green
Mohamed Praising Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Friday Blue
Mohammad Praising Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Saturday Green
Mohammed Praising Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Sunday Blue
Mohammad Praising Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Monday Green
Mohammed Praising Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Tuesday Blue
Morgan Sea defender Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Wednesday Green
Moses Drawn from the water Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Thursday Blue
Moshe Drawn from the water Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Friday Green
Myles Soldier Brave, resilient 3 Saturday Blue
Myron Fragrant oil Optimistic, joyful 2 Sunday Green
Nash By the ash tree Grounded, stable 1 Monday Blue

Boy Names Starting From “N”:

Nasir Supporter, protector Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Tuesday Green
Nathan Given, gift of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Wednesday Blue
Nathaniel Gift of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Thursday Green
Neil Champion Brave, resilient 6 Friday Blue
Nelson Son of Neil Brave, resilient 5 Saturday Green
Nestor Wise Wise, determined 4 Sunday Blue
Neville New Village Optimistic, joyful 3 Monday Green
Nicholas Victory of the people Brave, resilient 2 Tuesday Blue
Nick Victory of the people Brave, resilient 1 Wednesday Green
Nicolas Victory of the people Brave, resilient 9 Thursday Blue
Nigel Dark, black-haired Wise, determined 8 Friday Green
Nikolai Victory of the people Brave, resilient 7 Saturday Blue
Nikolas Victory of the people Brave, resilient 6 Sunday Green
Nikolay Victory of the people Brave, resilient 5 Monday Blue
Noah Rest, wandering Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Tuesday Green
Noble Noble, aristocratic Strong, resilient 3 Wednesday Blue
Nolan Champion Brave, resilient 2 Thursday Green
Norman Northman Wise, determined 1 Friday Blue
Nova New Optimistic, joyful 9 Saturday Green
Nyel Champion Brave, resilient 8 Sunday Blue

Boy Names Starting From “O”:

boy names that mean protector

Obadiah Servant of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Monday Green
Odie Rich Optimistic, joyful 6 Tuesday Blue
Odin Divine frenzy Brave, resilient 5 Wednesday Green
Olaf Ancestor’s relic Wise, determined 4 Thursday Blue
Oleg Holy Brave, resilient 3 Friday Green
Ollie Olive tree Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Saturday Blue
Oliver Olive tree Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Sunday Green
Oliverio Olive tree Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Monday Blue
Omar Speaker Optimistic, joyful 8 Tuesday Green
Oral Speaker Optimistic, joyful 7 Wednesday Blue
Oran Pale Wise, determined 6 Thursday Green
Orion Rising in the sky Optimistic, joyful 5 Friday Blue
Orlando Famous land Optimistic, joyful 4 Saturday Green
Orville Golden city Optimistic, joyful 3 Sunday Blue
Osborn Bear of God Strong, resilient 2 Monday Green
Oscar Deer lover Optimistic, joyful 1 Tuesday Blue
Osmond Divine protector Strong, resilient 9 Wednesday Green
Oswald God’s power Strong, resilient 8 Thursday Blue
Otis Wealthy Optimistic, joyful 7 Friday Green
Otto Wealthy Optimistic, joyful 6 Saturday Blue
Owen Young warrior Brave, resilient 5 Sunday Green
Ozzie Divine power Strong, resilient 4 Monday Blue
Ozzy Divine power Strong, resilient 3 Tuesday Green

Boy Names Starting From “P”:

Pablo Little, small Optimistic, joyful 2 Wednesday Blue
Paolo Small Optimistic, joyful 1 Thursday Green
Parker Park keeper Grounded, resilient 9 Friday Blue
Patrick Nobleman Strong, resilient 8 Saturday Green
Paul Small Optimistic, joyful 7 Sunday Blue
Pax Peaceful Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Monday Green
Payton Village warrior Brave, resilient 5 Tuesday Blue
Pedro Rock Grounded, resilient 4 Wednesday Green
Percy Pierces the valley Optimistic, joyful 3 Thursday Blue
Perry Pear tree Grounded, resilient 2 Friday Green
Pete Rock Grounded, resilient 1 Saturday Blue
Peter Rock Grounded, resilient 9 Sunday Green
Philip Friend of horses Optimistic, joyful 8 Monday Blue
Philippe Friend of horses Optimistic, joyful 7 Tuesday Green
Philippine Friend of horses Optimistic, joyful 6 Wednesday Blue
Phillip Friend of horses Optimistic, joyful 5 Thursday Green
Phineas Serpent’s mouth Wise, determined 4 Friday Blue
Pierce Rock Grounded, resilient 3 Saturday Green
Pierre Rock Grounded, resilient 2 Sunday Blue
Porter Gatekeeper Grounded, resilient 1 Monday Green
Preston Priest’s town Wise, determined 9 Tuesday Blue
Prince Prince, nobleman Strong, resilient 8 Wednesday Green

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Boy Names Starting From “Q”:

Quentin Fifth Optimistic, joyful 7 Thursday Blue
Quinn Fifth Optimistic, joyful 6 Friday Green
Quinton Fifth Optimistic, joyful 5 Saturday Blue

Boy Names Starting From “R”:

Raheem Merciful Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Sunday Green
Ralph Wise wolf Wise, determined 3 Monday Blue
Ramon Advice, decision protector Wise, determined 2 Tuesday Green
Ramón Advice, decision protector Wise, determined 1 Wednesday Blue
Randal Wolf shield Wise, determined 9 Thursday Green
Randall Wolf shield Wise, determined 8 Friday Blue
Randy Wolf shield Wise, determined 7 Saturday Green
Raphael God has healed Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Sunday Blue
Rashad Rightly guided Wise, determined 5 Monday Green
Raul Advice, decision protector Wise, determined 4 Tuesday Blue
Ray Wise protector Wise, determined 3 Wednesday Green
Rayan Gates of paradise Optimistic, joyful 2 Thursday Blue
Raymond Wise protector Wise, determined 1 Friday Green
Raymundo Wise protector Wise, determined 9 Saturday Blue
Reece Enthusiasm Optimistic, joyful 8 Sunday Green
Reed Red-haired Wise, determined 7 Monday Blue
Reese Enthusiasm Optimistic, joyful 6 Tuesday Green
Reggie Mighty counselor Optimistic, joyful 5 Wednesday Blue
Reginald Mighty counselor Optimistic, joyful 4 Thursday Green
Rehan Fragrant one Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Friday Blue
Remi Oarsman Optimistic, joyful 2 Saturday Green
Remington Raven Wise, determined 1 Sunday Blue
Rene Reborn Optimistic, joyful 9 Monday Green
Rex King Strong, resilient 8 Tuesday Blue
Rey King Strong, resilient 7 Wednesday Green
Reynaldo King Strong, resilient 6 Thursday Blue
Reynard Brave counselor Wise, determined 5 Friday Green
Rhett Advice Wise, determined 4 Saturday Blue
Rhys Enthusiasm Optimistic, joyful 3 Sunday Green
Rian King Strong, resilient 2 Monday Blue
Ricardo Powerful, brave ruler Strong, resilient 1 Tuesday Green
Rich Powerful, brave ruler Strong, resilient 9 Wednesday Blue
Richard Powerful, brave ruler Strong, resilient 8 Thursday Green
Richie Powerful, brave ruler Strong, resilient 7 Friday Blue
Richmond Powerful, brave ruler Strong, resilient 6 Saturday Green
Rick Powerful, brave ruler Strong, resilient 5 Sunday Blue
Rickey Powerful, brave ruler Strong, resilient 4 Monday Green
Rickie Powerful, brave ruler Strong, resilient 3 Tuesday Blue
Ricky Powerful, brave ruler Strong, resilient 2 Wednesday Green
Rico Powerful, brave ruler Strong, resilient 1 Thursday Blue
Rigoberto Shiny, bright fame Optimistic, joyful 9 Friday Green
Riley Courageous Brave, resilient 8 Saturday Blue
Rio River Optimistic, joyful 7 Sunday Green
River River Optimistic, joyful 6 Monday Blue
Roan Reddish brown Wise, determined 5 Tuesday Green
Rob Bright fame Optimistic, joyful 4 Wednesday Blue
Robbie Bright fame Optimistic, joyful 3 Thursday Green
Robby Bright fame Optimistic, joyful 2 Friday Blue
Robert Bright fame Optimistic, joyful 1 Saturday Green
Roberto Bright fame Optimistic, joyful 9 Sunday Blue
Robin Famed, bright Optimistic, joyful 8 Monday Green
Robinson Bright fame Optimistic, joyful 7 Tuesday Blue
Rocco Rest Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Wednesday Green
Rock Rest Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Thursday Blue
Roderick Famous ruler Strong, resilient 4 Friday Green
Rodger Famous spearman Strong, resilient 3 Saturday Blue
Rodney The island clear of trees Wise, determined 2 Sunday Green
Roger Famous spearman Strong, resilient 1 Monday Blue
Rohan Ascending Optimistic, joyful 9 Tuesday Green
Roland Famous throughout the land Optimistic, joyful 8 Wednesday Blue
Rollin Famous throughout the land Optimistic, joyful 7 Thursday Green
Roman Roman Wise, determined 6 Friday Blue
Romeo Pilgrim to Rome Optimistic, joyful 5 Saturday Green
Ron Ruler’s counselor Wise, determined 4 Sunday Blue
Ronan Little seal Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Monday Green
Ronald Ruler’s counselor Wise, determined 2 Tuesday Blue
Ronnie Ruler’s counselor Wise, determined 1 Wednesday Green
Rory Red king Strong, resilient 9 Thursday Blue
Roscoe Deer forest Grounded, resilient 8 Friday Green
Ross Peninsula, headland Wise, determined 7 Saturday Blue
Roy Red king Strong, resilient 6 Sunday Green
Royce Son of the king Strong, resilient 5 Monday Blue
Ruben Behold, a son Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Tuesday Green
Rudy Famous wolf Strong, resilient 3 Wednesday Blue
Russ Red-haired Wise, determined 2 Thursday Green
Russell Red-haired Wise, determined 1 Friday Blue
Rusty Red-haired Wise, determined 9 Saturday Green
Ryan Little king Strong, resilient 8 Sunday Blue
Ryder Mounted warrior Brave, resilient 7 Monday Green
Ryker Strong power Strong, resilient 6 Tuesday Blue
Rylan Little king Strong, resilient 5 Wednesday Green
Ryland Island meadow Optimistic, joyful 4 Thursday Blue
Rylen Island meadow Optimistic, joyful 3 Friday Green

white baby

Boy Names Starting From “S”:

Sacha Defending men Brave, resilient 2 Saturday Blue
Sage Wise, knowing Wise, determined 1 Sunday Green
Sal Peaceful Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Monday Blue
Salem Peaceful Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Tuesday Green
Salim Peaceful Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Wednesday Blue
Salvador Savior Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Thursday Green
Salvatore Savior Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Friday Blue
Sam God has heard Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Saturday Green
Samir Entertaining companion Optimistic, joyful 3 Sunday Blue
Sammy God has heard Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Monday Green
Sampson Sun Optimistic, joyful 1 Tuesday Blue
Samson Sun Optimistic, joyful 9 Wednesday Green
Samuel God has heard Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Thursday Blue
Sander Defender of man Brave, resilient 7 Friday Green
Sandro Defender of man Brave, resilient 6 Saturday Blue
Sandy Defender of man Brave, resilient 5 Sunday Green
Sanford From the sandy ford Optimistic, joyful 4 Monday Blue
Santana Holy Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Tuesday Green
Santiago Supplanter Wise, determined 2 Wednesday Blue
Santino Little saint Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Thursday Green
Sasha Defending men Brave, resilient 9 Friday Blue
Sawyer Woodcutter Grounded, resilient 8 Saturday Green
Scot From Scotland Wise, determined 7 Sunday Blue
Scott From Scotland Wise, determined 6 Monday Green
Scottie From Scotland Wise, determined 5 Tuesday Blue
Scotty From Scotland Wise, determined 4 Wednesday Green
Seamus Supplanter Wise, determined 3 Thursday Blue
Sean God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Friday Green
Sebastian Venerable, revered Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Saturday Blue
Sedrick Victorious ruler Strong, resilient 9 Sunday Green
Sefton From the brushwood farm Grounded, resilient 8 Monday Blue
Selby Village near the manor house Wise, determined 7 Tuesday Green
Senan Little wise person Wise, determined 6 Wednesday Blue
Shane God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Thursday Green
Shannon Old, ancient Wise, determined 4 Friday Blue
Shaun God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Saturday Green
Shawn God is gracious Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Sunday Blue
Shay Supplanter Wise, determined 1 Monday Green
Shayne Supplanter Wise, determined 9 Tuesday Blue
Shea Admirable Optimistic, joyful 8 Wednesday Green
Sheldon Steep-sided valley Wise, determined 7 Thursday Blue
Shelley From the ledge meadow Grounded, resilient 6 Friday Green
Sheldon Steep-sided valley Wise, determined 5 Saturday Blue
Shelton From the ledge estate Grounded, resilient 4 Sunday Green
Shem Famous, renown Optimistic, joyful 3 Monday Blue
Sheridan Untamed Wise, determined 2 Tuesday Green
Sherman Shear man Wise, determined 1 Wednesday Blue
Sherwin Swift runner Brave, resilient 9 Thursday Green
Shirley Bright meadow Grounded, resilient 8 Friday Blue
Shlomo Pacific, tranquil Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Saturday Green
Sholto From the stony place Grounded, resilient 6 Sunday Blue
Shyam Dark blue Wise, determined 5 Monday Green
Sid From St. Denis Wise, determined 4 Tuesday Blue
Siddharth One who has attained his goals Wise, determined 3 Wednesday Green
Sidney From St. Denis Wise, determined 2 Thursday Blue
Sidony From Sidon Optimistic, joyful 1 Friday Green
Sienna Orange-red Grounded, resilient 9 Saturday Blue
Silas From the forest Grounded, resilient 8 Sunday Green
Simeon Hearing, listening Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Monday Blue
Simon Hearing, listening Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Tuesday Green
Sinclair From Saint-Clair-sur-Elle Wise, determined 5 Wednesday Blue
Singer Singer Optimistic, joyful 4 Thursday Green
Sloan Warrior Brave, resilient 3 Friday Blue
Smith Blacksmith Grounded, resilient 2 Saturday Green
Sol Sun Optimistic, joyful 1 Sunday Blue
Solomon Peace Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Monday Green
Sonny Child Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Tuesday Blue
Spencer Steward, dispenser of provisions Grounded, resilient 7 Wednesday Green
Spike Long, heavy nail Brave, resilient 6 Thursday Blue
Stacey Resurrection Strong, resilient 5 Friday Green
Stacy Resurrection Strong, resilient 4 Saturday Blue
Stan From the stony meadow Grounded, resilient 3 Sunday Green
Stanford From the Stony Ford Grounded, resilient 2 Monday Blue
Stanley From the stony meadow Grounded, resilient 1 Tuesday Green
Stefan Crowned Optimistic, joyful 9 Wednesday Blue
Stephan Crowned Optimistic, joyful 8 Thursday Green
Stephanie Crowned Optimistic, joyful 7 Friday Blue
Stephen Crowned Optimistic, joyful 6 Saturday Green
Sterling Star Grounded, resilient 5 Sunday Blue
Stevan Crowned Optimistic, joyful 4 Monday Green
Steve Crowned Optimistic, joyful 3 Tuesday Blue
Steven Crowned Optimistic, joyful 2 Wednesday Green
Stewart Steward, dispenser of provisions Grounded, resilient 1 Thursday Blue
Stone Stone Grounded, resilient 9 Friday Green
Stuart Steward, dispenser of provisions Grounded, resilient 8 Saturday Blue
Sully South meadow Grounded, resilient 7 Sunday Green
Sung Successor Optimistic, joyful 6 Monday Blue
Suraj God of the sun Optimistic, joyful 5 Tuesday Green
Surjit God’s victory Brave, resilient 4 Wednesday Blue
Sutton From the Southern homestead Grounded, resilient 3 Thursday Green
Sylvester Woods Grounded, resilient 2 Friday Blue

Boy Names Starting From “T”:

Tadeo Praise Optimistic, joyful 1 Saturday Green
Tadgh Poet, philosopher Wise, determined 9 Sunday Blue
Tadhg Poet, philosopher Wise, determined 8 Monday Green
Tadita Wind Optimistic, joyful 7 Tuesday Blue
Tai Big, great Optimistic, joyful 6 Wednesday Green
Tait Happy Optimistic, joyful 5 Thursday Blue
Taj Crown Optimistic, joyful 4 Friday Green
Tan New Optimistic, joyful 3 Saturday Blue
Tariq Morning star Optimistic, joyful 2 Sunday Green
Tate Pleasant, cheerful Optimistic, joyful 1 Monday Blue
Tatum Bringer of joy Optimistic, joyful 9 Tuesday Green
Tavon Hillside Grounded, resilient 8 Wednesday Blue
Ted Divine gift Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Thursday Green
Teddy Divine gift Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Friday Blue
Tejas Sharp, brilliant Optimistic, joyful 5 Saturday Green
Terry People’s ruler Strong, resilient 4 Sunday Blue
Thad Heart Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Monday Green
Thaddeus Heart Kind-hearted, compassionate 2 Tuesday Blue
Thane Nobleman Wise, determined 1 Wednesday Green
Theo Gift of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Thursday Blue
Theobald Brave, bold Brave, resilient 8 Friday Green
Theodore Gift of God Kind-hearted, compassionate 7 Saturday Blue
Thom Twin Wise, determined 6 Sunday Green
Thomas Twin Wise, determined 5 Monday Blue
Thomson Son of Thom Wise, determined 4 Tuesday Green
Thor Thunder Brave, resilient 3 Wednesday Blue
Thorne From the thorn bush Grounded, resilient 2 Thursday Green
Thornton From the thorny town Grounded, resilient 1 Friday Blue
Thurman Man of Thor Brave, resilient 9 Saturday Green
Tiernan Lord Wise, determined 8 Sunday Blue
Tiger Tiger Brave, resilient 7 Monday Green
Tim To honor God Kind-hearted, compassionate 6 Tuesday Blue
Timmie To honor God Kind-hearted, compassionate 5 Wednesday Green
Timmy To honor God Kind-hearted, compassionate 4 Thursday Blue
Timothy To honor God Kind-hearted, compassionate 3 Friday Green
Todd Fox Brave, resilient 2 Saturday Blue
Tomas Twin Wise, determined 1 Sunday Green
Tony Worthy of praise Optimistic, joyful 9 Monday Blue
Topher Christ-bearer Kind-hearted, compassionate 8 Tuesday Green
Tracy Warlike Brave, resilient 7 Wednesday Blue
Travis To cross over Brave, resilient 6 Thursday Green
Tristan Tumult Brave, resilient 5 Friday Blue
Troy Soldier Brave, resilient 4 Saturday Green
Truman Faithful one Brave, resilient 3 Sunday Blue
Tucker Cloth fuller Grounded, resilient 2 Monday Green
Tudor Divine gift Kind-hearted, compassionate 1 Tuesday Blue
Tully Peaceful people Kind-hearted, compassionate 9 Wednesday Green
Ty House Grounded, resilient 8 Thursday Blue
Tyler Tile maker Grounded, resilient 7 Friday Green
Tyrone From the land of Eoghan Grounded, resilient 6 Saturday Blue

Boy Names Starting From “U”:

Ulrich Noble, prosperous Wise, determined 5 Sunday Green
Ulysses Wrathful Brave, resilient 4 Monday Blue
Umar Life Optimistic, joyful 3 Tuesday Green
Urban From the city Grounded, resilient 2 Wednesday Blue
Uri My light Optimistic, joyful 1 Thursday Green
Uriah My light is God Optimistic, joyful 9 Friday Blue
Uriel God is my light Optimistic, joyful 8 Saturday Green
Usama Lion Brave, resilient 7 Sunday Blue
Usher Doorkeeper Grounded, resilient 6 Monday Green

Boy Names Starting From “V”:

Val Healthy, strong Strong, resilient 5 Tuesday Blue
Valentine Strong, healthy Strong, resilient 4 Wednesday Green
Valentinus Strong, healthy Strong, resilient 3 Thursday Blue
Valerian Strong, healthy Strong, resilient 2 Friday Green
Valiant Strong, brave Strong, resilient 1 Saturday Blue
Van Of Grounded, resilient 9 Sunday Green
Vance Thresher Grounded, resilient 8 Monday Blue
Vanesa Butterfly Optimistic, joyful 7 Tuesday Green
Varun God of the water Optimistic, joyful 6 Wednesday Blue
Vasant Spring Optimistic, joyful 5 Thursday Green
Vern Alder tree Grounded, resilient 4 Friday Blue
Vernon Place of alder trees Grounded, resilient 3 Saturday Green
Vic Victorious Strong, resilient 2 Sunday Blue
Vick Victorious Strong, resilient 1 Monday Green
Vicente Victorious Strong, resilient 9 Tuesday Blue
Vicenzo Conquering Strong, resilient 8 Wednesday Green
Victor Victorious Strong, resilient 7 Thursday Blue
Victorio Victorious Strong, resilient 6 Friday Green
Vidal Life Optimistic, joyful 5 Saturday Blue
Vikram Valiant, mighty Strong, resilient 4 Sunday Green
Vince Conquering Strong, resilient 3 Monday Blue
Vincent Conquering Strong, resilient 2 Tuesday Green
Vinicio Conquering Strong, resilient 1 Wednesday Blue
Vinnie Conquering Strong, resilient 9 Thursday Green
Vinny Conquering Strong, resilient 8 Friday Blue
Virgil Flourishing Strong, resilient 7 Saturday Green
Virgilio Flourishing Strong, resilient 6 Sunday Blue
Vishal Big, great Optimistic, joyful 5 Monday Green
Vito Life Optimistic, joyful 4 Tuesday Blue

Boy Names Starting From “W”:

Wade To go, to Wade Brave, resilient 3 Wednesday Green
Waldo Ruler Strong, resilient 2 Thursday Blue
Walker Cloth walker Grounded, resilient 1 Friday Green
Wallace Foreigner, stranger Brave, resilient 9 Saturday Blue
Wally Ruler Strong, resilient 8 Sunday Green
Walt Ruler Strong, resilient 7 Monday Blue
Walter Ruler Strong, resilient 6 Tuesday Green
Ward Guardian Strong, resilient 5 Wednesday Blue
Warner Protecting army Strong, resilient 4 Thursday Green
Warren Protector Strong, resilient 3 Friday Blue
Warrick From the fortress Strong, resilient 2 Saturday Green
Warwick From the fortress Strong, resilient 1 Sunday Blue
Washington From the town of Wassa Strong, resilient 9 Monday Green
Watson Son of Walter Strong, resilient 8 Tuesday Blue
Wayland Land by the road Strong, resilient 7 Wednesday Green
Wayne Wagon maker Strong, resilient 6 Thursday Blue
Webb Weaver Grounded, resilient 5 Friday Green
Weldon Hill near a spring Grounded, resilient 4 Saturday Blue
Wendell Wanderer Grounded, resilient 3 Sunday Green
Wes Western meadow Grounded, resilient 2 Monday Blue
Wesley Western meadow Grounded, resilient 1 Tuesday Green
Westin Western town Grounded, resilient 9 Wednesday Blue
Weston Western town Grounded, resilient 8 Thursday Green
Wheeler Wheel maker Grounded, resilient 7 Friday Blue
Wilber Bright will Wise, determined 6 Saturday Green
Wilbert Bright will Wise, determined 5 Sunday Blue
Wilbur Bright will Wise, determined 4 Monday Green
Wilburn Bright will Wise, determined 3 Tuesday Blue
Wiley From the water meadow Optimistic, joyful 2 Wednesday Green
Wilford Desired peace Wise, determined 1 Thursday Blue
Wilfred Desired peace Wise, determined 9 Friday Green
Wilfrid Desired peace Wise, determined 8 Saturday Blue
Wilhelm Will, desire, helmet, protection Strong, resilient 7 Sunday Green
Will Will, desire Strong, resilient 6 Monday Blue
Willard Strong desire Strong, resilient 5 Tuesday Green
Willem Will, desire, helmet, protection Strong, resilient 4 Wednesday Blue
William Will, desire, helmet, protection Strong, resilient 3 Thursday Green
Willie Will, desire Strong, resilient 2 Friday Blue
Willis Son of Will Strong, resilient 1 Saturday Green
Willy Will, desire Strong, resilient 9 Sunday Blue
Wilson Son of Will Strong, resilient 8 Monday Green
Wilton From the town by the spring Strong, resilient 7 Tuesday Blue
Win Friend Strong, resilient 6 Wednesday Green
Winfred Peaceful friend Wise, determined 5 Thursday Blue
Winson Victorious friend Strong, resilient 4 Friday Green
Winston From Wing’s town Strong, resilient 3 Saturday Blue
Winter Winter Optimistic, joyful 2 Sunday Green
Winton From the wine town Strong, resilient 1 Monday Blue
Wolf Wolf Brave, resilient 9 Tuesday Green
Wolfe Wolf Brave, resilient 8 Wednesday Blue
Wolfgang Wolf path Brave, resilient 7 Thursday Green
Woodrow Lives in the row of houses by the wood Grounded, resilient 6 Friday Blue
Woody Of the woods Grounded, resilient 5 Saturday Green
Worth Worthy Strong, resilient 4 Sunday Blue
Wright Worker, craftsman Grounded, resilient 3 Monday Green
Wyatt Brave in war Brave, resilient 2 Tuesday Blue
Wyman Warrior Brave, resilient 1 Wednesday Green

Boy Names Starting From “X”:

Xander Defender of the people Brave, resilient 9 Thursday Blue
Xander Defender of the people Brave, resilient 8 Friday Green
Xavier New House Grounded, resilient 7 Saturday Blue
Xavius New House Grounded, resilient 6 Sunday Green
Xerxes Ruler over heroes Strong, resilient 5 Monday Blue
Xylon From the forest Grounded, resilient 4 Tuesday Green

Boy Names Starting From “Y”:

Yael Mountain goat Grounded, resilient 3 Wednesday Blue
Yannis God is gracious Optimistic, joyful 2 Thursday Green
Yaron To sing, to shout Optimistic, joyful 1 Friday Blue
Yasir Prosperous Optimistic, joyful 9 Saturday Green
Yates Gatekeeper Grounded, resilient 8 Sunday Blue
Yeoman Attendant, servant Grounded, resilient 7 Monday Green
Yestin Just Wise, determined 6 Tuesday Blue
York From the Yew Tree estate Grounded, resilient 5 Wednesday Green
Yuri Farmer Grounded, resilient 4 Thursday Blue

Boy Names Starting From “Z”:

Zac Remembered by God Optimistic, joyful 3 Friday Green
Zach Remembered by God Optimistic, joyful 2 Saturday Blue
Zacharia Remembered by God Optimistic, joyful 1 Sunday Green
Zachariah Remembered by God Optimistic, joyful 9 Monday Blue
Zacharias Remembered by God Optimistic, joyful 8 Tuesday Green
Zack Remembered by God Optimistic, joyful 7 Wednesday Blue
Zackary Remembered by God Optimistic, joyful 6 Thursday Green
Zackery Remembered by God Optimistic, joyful 5 Friday Blue
Zak Remembered by God Optimistic, joyful 4 Saturday Green
Zander Defender of the people Brave, resilient 3 Sunday Blue
Zane God is gracious Optimistic, joyful 2 Monday Green
Zayden Fired up Strong, resilient 1 Tuesday Blue
Zechariah Remembered by God Optimistic, joyful 9 Wednesday Green
Zed God is righteous Wise, determined 8 Thursday Blue
Zeke God strengthens Strong, resilient 7 Friday Green
Zephyr West wind Optimistic, joyful 6 Saturday Blue
Ziggy Victorious Strong, resilient 5 Sunday Green
Zion Heavenly city Strong, resilient 4 Monday Blue
Zoltan Ruler Strong, resilient 3 Tuesday Green
Zoran Dawn Optimistic, joyful 2 Wednesday Blue
Zorro Fox Brave, resilient 1 Thursday Green
Zuriel God is my rock Grounded, resilient 9 Friday Blue

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