340+ Famous Elephant Names with Meanings & Nature 2024

Searching for your elephant buddy’s ideal name is an adventurous affair. Whether it is a baby elephant or not, starting your conservation program, or just adding some fun and personality, the decision of the right name is included.
elphant image male 1st
To top it all, we give you more than 340 elephant names, ranging from the plain to the colorful elephant names in this list. Majestic, royal, cuddly, and fun sounding, these names will instill pride and pleasure. Take us on our magical tour, during which we are going to discover the most suitable name for your beloved friend – the elephant.

Male Elephant Names

Beautiful Elephant Names Starting with A:

Name Meaning/Nature
Atlas Powerful, a Titan in Greek mythology
Avalanche Massive, powerful, overwhelming

Cute Elephant Names Starting with B:

Name Meaning/Nature
Babar Brave, lion-hearted
Baloo A bear character known for his kindness
Big Al Large and strong
Big Ben Big and powerful
Big Boy Large and robust
Big Bull Strong and dominant
Big Chief Leader, dominant
Big Dipper Big and bright
Big Jake Large and powerful
Big Louie Large and imposing
Big Mac Large and strong
Big Max Maximum size and strength
Big Mike Large and powerful
Big Red Large and red-colored
Big Roy Royal, majestic
Big Sam Large and sturdy
Big Steve Large and strong
Big Ted Large and imposing
Big Tony Large and powerful
Big Willy Large and strong
Big Zeus Like Zeus, king of the gods

Famous Elephant Names Starting with C:

Name Meaning/Nature
Chubby Plump, round
Chunk Large, solid piece
Colossus Gigantic, massive

An Elephant Name Starting with D:

Name Meaning/Nature
Dumbo Large ears, gentle character (from the Disney character)

Elephant Names Starting with E:

Name Meaning/Nature
Elvis Noble, all-wise
Everest Tall, mighty

Latest Elephant Names Starting with G:

Name Meaning/Nature
Gargantua Enormous, gigantic
Goliath Giant, powerful
Gulliver Huge, traveler (from Gulliver’s Travels)

Extra Elephant Names Starting with H:

elephant names

Name Meaning/Nature
Hank Ruler of the household, strong
Hercules Heroic, strong
Horton From “Horton Hears a Who,” strong and caring

Elephant Names Starting with J:

Name Meaning/Nature
Jumbo Huge, gigantic

Discoverable Elephant Names Starting with K:

Name Meaning/Nature
Kodiak A large species of bear

Do you wanna read More Elephant Names? Go to the previous link.

Unique Elephant Names Starting with M:

Name Meaning/Nature
Magnum Large and powerful weapon
Maverick Independent and strong
Max Greatest, maximum
Moose Large, strong herbivore

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Names Starting with P:

Name Meaning/Nature
Pachyderm Thick-skinned, like an elephant

Cute Elephant Names Starting with R:

Name Meaning/Nature
Rambo Tough, strong
Rex King, ruler
Rhino Powerful, armored
Rocky Strong, tough

Attractive Elephant Names Starting with S:

Name Meaning/Nature
Samson Strong, biblical figure
Sampson Strong, biblical figure
Spike Pointed, strong
Stamps Sturdy, heavy
Sultan King, ruler

Catchy Elephant Names Starting with T:

Name Meaning/Nature
Tank Powerful, armored vehicle
Tanker Large and robust vehicle
Tantor From “Tarzan,” strong and loyal
Thunder Loud, powerful
Titan Powerful, giant
Trunks Referring to an elephant’s trunk
Tusk Ivory, elephant’s tusk
Tusker Elephant with large tusks

NexgenToolkit has compiled 189+ Latest Names That Mean Anger With Origin & Lucky Color.

Curious Elephant Name Starting with W:

Name Meaning/Nature
Whopper Huge, gigantic


Female Elephant Names

famous elephant names
famous elephant names
Name Meaning/Nature
Alice Noble, truthful
Abby Joy, father’s delight
Athena Wisdom, strength
Bella Beautiful, graceful
Bridget Strong, exalted one
Bailey Bailiff, trusted guardian
Charlotte Free, strong
Cleo Glory, pride
Daisy Innocence, purity
Darcy From Arcy, the dark one
Delilah Delicate, gentle
Eden Delight, paradise
Ella Beautiful, fairy maiden
Emma Universal, whole
Faith Trust, belief
Fiona Fair, white
Freya Noble lady, goddess of love
Georgia Farmer, earthwork
Gia God’s gracious gift
Grace Charm, elegance
Hazel Wisdom, intelligence
Harper Harp player, minstrel
Honey Sweet, nectar
Ingrid Beautiful, beloved
Ivy Faithfulness, friendship
Isla Island, serene
Jasmine Gift from God, fragrant flower
Jade Stone of the colic
Juno Queen of the heavens
Kiara Bright, famous
Kira Ruler, leader
Lily Pure, innocent
Luna Moon, divine
Layla Night, dark beauty
Mia Beloved, mine
Mabel Lovable, dear
Molly Wished-for child, bitterness
Nora Honor, light
Nala Gift, beloved
Nellie Bright, shining one
Olive The olive tree, a symbol of peace
Ophelia Help, aid
Opal Jewel, precious stone
Penny Wealthy, fortunate
Poppy Red flower, consolation
Piper Flute player
Queenie Queen, royal
Quinn Descendant of Conn, wisdom
Ruby Red gemstone, precious
Rosie Rose, flower
Sadie Princess, noble
Stella Star, bright one
Sabrina Legendary princess, from the river Severn
Taylor Tailor, clothing maker
Thea Goddess, divine
Tessa Harvester, reaper
Uma Nation, tranquility
Ursula Little bear, strength
Violet Purple/blue flower, modesty
Valerie Strong, valiant
Venus Goddess of love, beauty
Willow Graceful, slender
Wanda Wanderer, seeker
Wendy Friendly, blessed
Xena Hospitable, welcoming
Yara Water lady, small butterfly
Yvette Yew tree, archer
Zara Princess, flower
Zoey Life, animal

Funny Elephant Names with Meaning

Name Meaning/Nature
Alfonso Noble and ready
Bubbles Light-hearted and bubbly
Chuckles Amusing and joyful
Dumbo Funny and charming (from the Disney character)
Elvis Parsley Rock and roll with a twist of humor
Flapjack Fun-loving and quirky
Giggles Always ready to laugh
Hanky Panky Mischievous and playful
Iggy Full of energy and fun
Jumbo Jr. Adorable and oversized (from the Disney character)
Kookie Quirky and eccentric
Lulu Cute and mischievous
Mr. Wrinkles Wise and humorous
Nelly Belly Friendly and lovable
Olive the Odd Unique and unconventional
Peanut Small and adorable
Queenie Quirky Royal and eccentric
Roly Poly Round and jolly
Snickers Amusing and sweet
Toots Cheerful and fun-loving
Upsy Daisy Upbeat and optimistic
Vinnie Full of life and humor
Wally Quirky and endearing
Xavier Unusual and fun-loving
Yodel Energetic and entertaining
Zippy Quick and lively

elephant name

Name Meaning/Nature
Bobo Playful and mischievous
Dizzy Dumbo Charming and dizzyingly fun (from the Disney character)
Fuzzy Wuzzy Fuzzy and lovable
Gumbo Spicy and full of flavor
Jellybean Sweet and colorful
Knick Knack Quirky and playful
Loco Crazy and fun-loving
Mischief Mischievous and playful
Noodle Flexible and fun
Ollie Quirky and fun-loving
Patches Colorful and unique
Quirky Quince Quirky and unconventional
Rascal Mischievous and playful
Snickerdoodle Sweet and fun-loving
Tater Tot Small and adorable
Udderly Funny Utterly hilarious and unique
Veggie Healthy and fun-loving
Wiggles Playful and energetic
Yippee Excited and cheerful
Zany Zeke Crazy and fun-loving
Name Meaning/Nature
Boomer Fun-loving and energetic
Dizzy Light-headed and fun
Funky Fred Cool and quirky
Giggly Gertie Always ready to laugh
Jelly Belly Soft and squishy
Klutzy Awkward and lovable
Mumbo Jumbo Confusing and fun
Nutty Nora Crazy and lovable
Oreo Black and white, sweet
Paddy Pachyderm Irish and fun-loving
Quack Like a duck, silly
Razzle Dazzle Dazzling and fun-loving
Silly Sally Playful and fun
Tickle Trunk Ticklish and fun
Uptown Funk Funky and fun-loving
Velvet Soft and luxurious
Wobble Unsteady and fun
Yummy Yolanda Delicious and fun-loving
Zazzle Exciting and energetic

Cute Elephant Names

3RD Elephant image

Name Meaning/Nature
Alfie Wise counselor, ready for adventure
Bailey Trusted guardian, loyal friend
Charlie Free-spirited, friendly
Dottie Playful and spotted
Ellie Beautiful and friendly
Frankie Cheerful and outgoing
George Strong and courageous
Henry Royal and noble
Izzy Full of life and energy
Jack Playful and curious
Katie Pure and innocent
Louie Friendly and lovable
Millie Gentle and sweet
Ollie Adventurous and curious
Percy Adorable and playful
Rosie Sweet and charming
Sammy Friendly and mischievous
Toby Loyal and brave
Archie Bold and adventurous
Buddy Loyal companion and friend
Chester Strong and dependable
Daisy Delicate and charming
Eddie Courageous and friendly
Freddie Peaceful and kind
Ginger Energetic and spirited
Harry Brave and strong
Joey Cute and playful
Lenny Friendly and affectionate
Mickey Friendly and mischievous
Oscar Brave and adventurous
Penny Small and precious
Ralphie Friendly and lovable
Sammy Friendly and playful
Teddy Cuddly and adorable
Alfalfa Energetic and playful
Bambi Gentle and graceful
Coco Sweet and adorable
Dolly Adorable and sweet
Elmo Friendly and playful
Fifi Small and cute
Gigi Cute and stylish
Happy Cheerful and joyful
Jellybean Sweet and colorful
Koko Cute and playful
Luna Beautiful and mysterious
Marshmallow Soft and sweet
Nellie Gentle and lovable
Olive Calm and peaceful
Peanut Small and adorable
Rusty Adventurous and curious
Sparky Energetic and playful
Tilly Cute and friendly
Name Meaning/Nature
Alfie Wise counselor, ready for adventure
Bubbles Happy and playful
Cupcake Sweet and adorable
Dizzy Playful and carefree
Fluffy Soft and cuddly
Gumbo Warm and comforting
Huggy Warm and affectionate
Jelly Squishy and sweet
Marshmallow Soft and sweet
Nutmeg Warm and comforting
Pippin Cute and playful
Sparkle Shiny and bright
Tootsie Small and sweet
Waffles Sweet and delicious
Ziggy Energetic and playful
Boomer Energetic and playful
Cinnamon Warm and comforting
Dot Small and adorable

Famous Elephant Names

Name Meaning/Nature
Abu Aladdin’s companion, loyal and helpful
Babar Fictional elephant king, wise and kind
Dumbo Disney’s famous flying elephant, sweet and brave
Elmer Friendly and gentle
Flora Fictional elephant, motherly and wise
Gajendra Mythological elephant king, noble and powerful
Hathi Disney’s elephant character is wise and protective
Jumbo One of the most famous circus elephants, a large and gentle
Kala Nag Rudyard Kipling’s fictional elephant, wise and brave
Little John Fictional elephant, loyal and brave
Manohara Mythological celestial elephant, beautiful and divine
Nellie Famous circus elephant, gentle and intelligent
Obelix The fictional cartoon character’s pet elephant is loyal and strong
Packy Famous zoo elephant, gentle and playful
Raja Indian elephant, majestic and regal
Shep Famous railway station elephant, loyal and beloved
Tantor Disney’s elephant character is loyal and protective
Uncle Tusky Beloved zoo elephant, friendly and wise
Virat Mythological elephant king, powerful and noble
Name Meaning/Nature
Arjuna Mythological elephant, strong and heroic
Bandoola Mythological elephant, courageous
Chandrasekhar Mythological elephant, majestic and divine
Drona Mythological elephant, skilled and wise
Erawan Mythological elephant, powerful and magical
Ganesh Mythological elephant god, remover of obstacles
Hafiz Historical war elephant, strong and brave
Jabba the Fictional elephant, loyal and friendly
Kandula Historical war elephant, legendary and powerful
Lakshmi Mythological elephant goddess, auspicious and graceful
Motty Fictional baby elephant, playful and mischievous
Neela Fictional blue elephant, magical and enchanting
Omysha Fictional baby elephant, adventurous and curious
Parvati Mythological elephant goddess, gentle and loving
Raja Gaj Fictional elephant king, majestic and powerful
Suleiman Historical war elephant, legendary and fearless
Topsey Famous circus elephant, playful and mischievous
Urvashi Mythological celestial elephant, divine and beautiful
Victoria Famous circus elephant, regal and elegant
Wendell Fictional baby elephant, curious and adventurous
Yeti Fictional baby elephant, mysterious and adventurous
Name Meaning/Nature
Balarama Mythological elephant, strong and supportive
Chirpy Fictional baby elephant, cheerful and playful
Drona Mythological elephant, skilled and wise
Eko Historical war elephant, powerful and formidable
Gajraj Famous zoo elephant, majestic and regal
Hidimba Mythological elephant, fierce and protective
Jumbo II Famous circus elephant, large and gentle
Kala Fictional elephant, strong and courageous
Laxmi Mythological elephant goddess, auspicious and graceful
Mr. Elephant Fictional elephant, mysterious and friendly
Nandi Mythological elephant, loyal and devoted
Oscar Fictional elephant, adventurous and curious
Parasurama Mythological elephant, powerful and divine
Rani Famous zoo elephant, majestic and elegant
Sultan Historical war elephant, powerful
Tarzan Fictional elephant, adventurous and brave
Upali Fictional baby elephant, curious and friendly
Vinayaka Mythological elephant god, remover of obstacles
White Elephant Mythological symbol of purity and wisdom
Yali Mythological elephant, powerful and divine

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