Top 99 Girls And Boys Names Meaning Silver | Explained

In a world that has given birth to various cultures and languages, names themselves include several meanings and symbolism with such attributes. Silver, blue, white, shining, resplendent, lovely, valuable, and so on, many names have been derived from the silver metal. These names not only emphasize the preciousness of this metal but even suggest its purity, strength or beauty. Here, in this vast post, we will provide you with numerous names that signify silver and discuss the history, meaning and importance of those names.

It is important to note that silver has been attributed to features like elegance, purity and richness. Man has been using gold for over hundreds of years in the form of jewelry, coins, and other objects. Silver in this context is much more than a metal; it heralded clarity, vision and shield. Silver is necessarily associated with favorable energy and is used for protection against the evil powers in many traditions. Due to its properties, this precious metal has become very inspiring to use as names, giving them elegance and ethereal qualities.


Top 99 Names Meaning Silver :


  1. Argent – French origin, meaning “silver.”
  2. Arian – Welsh origin, meaning “silver.”
  3. Chaand – Hindi origin, meaning “moon” but often associated with the silver color of the moon.
  4. Eirian – Welsh origin, meaning “silver.”
  5. Fidelio – Spanish origin, relating to “silver” through fidelity and purity.
  6. Ginjiro – Japanese origin, meaning “good silver.”
  7. Hiromitsu – Japanese origin, meaning “silver light.”
  8. Insingizi – Shona origin, meaning “silver-backed” (often refers to a type of bird).
  9. Kasumi – Japanese origin, meaning “mist” but often associated with a silvery mist.
  10. Lior – Hebrew origin, meaning “my light” but associated with the shiny quality of silver.
  11. Lujayn – Arabic origin, meaning “silver.”
  12. Mithra – Persian origin, meaning “friend” but also associated with silver due to the deity Mithra being linked with the sun and silver.

 Girls And Boys Names Meaning Silver

  1. Qian – Chinese origin, meaning “money” or “silver.”
  2. Ruy – Spanish origin, a diminutive of Rodrigo but sometimes associated with silver.
  3. Silvano – Italian origin, meaning “from the forest” but associated with the shimmer of silver in nature.
  4. Silverio – Spanish origin, directly meaning “silver.”
  5. Taj – Arabic origin, meaning “crown” but also connected to silver crowns.
  6. Zilvar – Czech origin, meaning “silver.”

Girls’ Names:

  1. Arianwen – Welsh origin, meaning “silver.”
  2. Argenta – Latin origin, meaning “silver.”
  3. Arzhela – Breton origin, meaning “silver.”
  4. Eirianwen – Welsh origin, meaning “silver” and “fair.”
  5. Fidella – Spanish origin, relating to “silver” through fidelity and purity.
  6. Gin – Japanese origin, meaning “silver.”
  7. Ginevra – Italian origin, meaning “white wave” but often associated with the color silver.
  8. Hiromi – Japanese origin, meaning “wide beauty” but associated with silver light.
  9. Hwang – Korean origin, meaning “yellow” but often linked with precious metals including silver.
  10. Kasumi – Japanese origin, meaning “mist” but often associated with a silvery mist.
  11. Liora – Hebrew origin, meaning “my light” but associated with the shiny quality of silver.
  12. Lujayn – Arabic origin, meaning “silver.”
  13. Mithra – Persian origin, meaning “friend” but also associated with silver due to the deity Mithra being linked with the sun and silver.

 Girls And Boys Names Meaning Silver

  1. Qian – Chinese origin, meaning “money” or “silver.”
  2. Roshni – Hindi origin, meaning “light” but often associated with the silvery moonlight.
  3. Silvia – Latin origin, meaning “from the forest” but associated with the shimmer of silver in nature.
  4. Silver – English origin, directly meaning “silver.”
  5. Sylvaine – French origin, a derivative of Sylvia, associated with silver.
  6. Zilarra – Basque origin, meaning “silver.”

Unisex Names:

  1. Arian – Welsh origin, meaning “silver.”
  2. Argenta – Latin origin, meaning “silver.”
  3. Arzhel – Breton origin, meaning “silver.”
  4. Eirian – Welsh origin, meaning “silver.”
  5. Fidelio – Spanish origin, relating to “silver” through fidelity and purity.
  6. Ginjiro – Japanese origin, meaning “good silver.”
  7. Hiromi – Japanese origin, meaning “wide beauty” but associated with silver light.
  8. Insingizi – Shona origin, meaning “silver-backed.”
  9. Kasumi – Japanese origin, meaning “mist” but often associated with a silvery mist.
  10. Lior – Hebrew origin, meaning “my light” but associated with the shiny quality of silver.
  11. Lujayn – Arabic origin, meaning “silver.”
  12. Mithra – Persian origin, meaning “friend” but also associated with silver due to the deity Mithra being linked with the sun and silver.
  13. Qian – Chinese origin, meaning “money” or “silver.”
  14. Roshni – Hindi origin, meaning “light” but often associated with the silvery moonlight.
  15. Silva – Latin origin, meaning “from the forest” but associated with the shimmer of silver in nature.
  16. Silver – English origin, directly meaning “silver.”
  17. Sylvaine – French origin, a derivative of Sylvia, associated with silver.
  18. Taj – Arabic origin, meaning “crown” but also connected to silver crowns.

 Girls And Boys Names Meaning Silver

Additional Names (56-99):

  1. Aine – Irish origin, meaning “radiance” but often associated with a silvery glow.
  2. Argento – Italian origin, meaning “silver.”
  3. Asahi – Japanese origin, meaning “morning sun” but associated with silver light.
  4. Bai – Chinese origin, meaning “white” but often linked with silver.
  5. Chandi – Sanskrit origin, meaning “silver.”
  6. Eun – Korean origin, meaning “silver.”
  7. Fidelius – Latin origin, meaning “faithful,” linked with the purity of silver.
  8. Gintoki – Japanese origin, meaning “silver time.”
  9. Hiromasa – Japanese origin, meaning “wide silver.”
  10. Jin – Korean origin, meaning “jewel” or “precious metal,” often linked with silver.
  11. Kin – Japanese origin, meaning “gold,” but used in names often signifies precious metals including silver.
  12. Mithras – Persian origin, associated with the deity Mithra linked with the sun and silver.
  13. Nishiki – Japanese origin, meaning “brocade,” often associated with silver threads.
  14. Or – Hebrew origin, meaning “light” but linked with the reflective quality of silver.
  15. Platina – Spanish origin, meaning “platinum” but associated with silver.
  16. Reed – English origin, meaning “red” but often associated with silver reeds in folklore.
  17. Ruy – Portuguese origin, diminutive of Rodrigo but sometimes associated with silver.
  18. Saffron – English origin, meaning “yellow” but linked with precious substances like silver.
  19. Satina – Spanish origin, meaning “satin,” often associated with silver fabric.
  20. Shiro – Japanese origin, meaning “white” but often linked with silver.
  21. Silvan – German origin, meaning “wooded” but associated with the shimmer of silver in nature.
  22. Siver – Scandinavian origin, meaning “victory” but sounding like “silver.”
  23. Slavomir – Slavic origin, meaning “glory and peace” but linked with silver.
  24. Sterling – English origin, directly associated with silver.
  25. Taron – Armenian origin, meaning “thunder” but linked with silver thunderclouds.
  26. Tinsel – English origin, meaning “shiny metallic threads” often associated with silver.
  27. Tsubasa – Japanese origin, meaning “wings” but often linked with the shiny, silver-like quality.
  28. Vega – Spanish origin, meaning “star” but linked with the silver shine of stars.
  29. Vicin – Latin origin, meaning “neighbor” but associated with the silver community in ancient times.
  30. Viridian – Latin origin, meaning “green” but linked with silver due to the shine of certain minerals.
  31. Yin – Chinese origin, meaning “silver.”
  32. Yuki – Japanese origin, meaning “snow,” often linked with the silver quality of snowflakes.
  33. Zelenka – Czech origin, meaning “little green one” but associated with silver plants.
  34. Zephyr – Greek origin, meaning “west wind” but linked with the silver breeze.
  35. Zilar – Basque origin, meaning “silver.”
  36. Zilarra – Basque origin, meaning “silver.”
  37. Zinc – English origin, named after the metal, often associated with silver.
  38. Zinnia – Latin origin, meaning “flower,” often associated with silver petals.
  39. Ziro – Japanese origin, meaning “third son,” but linked with silver.
  40. Zora – Slavic origin, meaning “dawn” but linked with the silvery dawn light.
  41. Zuriel – Hebrew origin, meaning “my rock is God” but linked with the strength and purity of silver.
  42. Zyanya – Native American origin, meaning “forever, always” but associated with the eternal


Silver as a name holds culture, history, and symbolism, all of which are essential to the human world. They are not just names, they are the qualities associated with silver: pure, elegant, and strong. Both of these name origins – from ancient languages or modern interpretations – provide the beauty of meaning mixed with the unique. These are names that are bound to be treasured as we go on cherishing the precious and symbolic nature of silver for generations to come.


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