Male Demon Names – 179+ Names With Meanings

 179+ Male Demon Names With Meanings:

  1. Abaddon – The Destroyer
  2. Agares – Duke of Hell, commands 31 legions of demons
  3. Ahriman – Evil spirit in Zoroastrianism
  4. Alastor – Executioner of hell
  5. Alloces – Duke of Hell
  6. Amaymon – Prince of Hell
  7. Amon – Marquis of Hell, commands 40 legions of demons
  8. Amy – President of Hell, commands 36 legions of demons
  9. Andras – Marquis of Hell, sower of discord
  10. Andrealphus – Marquis of Hell, commands 30 legions of demons
  11. Andromalius – Earl of Hell, brings back thieves and stolen goods
  12. Asmodeus – King of demons, associated with lust
  13. Astaroth – Grand Duke of Hell, treasurer of Hell
  14. Azazel – Standard-bearer of the armies of Hell
  15. Bael – First king of Hell
  16. Balam – Powerful king of Hell
  17. Barbas – Great President of Hell
  18. Barbatos – Duke of Hell, gives an understanding of animals
  19. Beelzebub – Lord of the Flies, Prince of Hell
  20. Belial – King of Hell, brings forth wickedness
  21. Belphegor – Demon of sloth and gluttony
  22. Berith – Duke of Hell, lies and gives false promises
  23. Bifrons – Earl of Hell, teaches sciences and arts
  24. Botis – President and Earl of Hell
  25. Buer – President of Hell, teaches moral and natural philosophy
  26. Bune – Duke of Hell, grants wealth and eloquence
  27. Caim – President of Hell, gives the understanding of birds
  28. Cimejes – Marquis of Hell, teaches logic and philosophy
  29. Crocell – Duke of Hell, teaches geometry and liberal sciences
  30. Dagon – Philistine demon of the sea
  31. Decarabia – Marquis of Hell, teaches the virtues of herbs and precious stones
  32. Eligos – Duke of Hell, reveals hidden things
  33. Eurynome – Prince of Hell
  34. Focalor – Duke of Hell, kills men and drowns them
  35. Foras – President of Hell, teaches logic and ethics
  36. Forneus – Marquis of Hell, teaches rhetoric and languages
  37. Furcas – Knight of Hell, teaches philosophy, astronomy, rhetoric, logic, chiromancy, and pyromancy
  38. Furfur – Count of Hell, liar, and deceiver
  39. Gaap – President and Prince of Hell, teaches liberal sciences
  40. Gadreel – Demon who taught men how to make weapons of war

male demon names

  1. Gamigin – Marquis of Hell, appears as a small horse
  2. Gemory – Duke of Hell, gives true answers about the past, present, and future
  3. Glasya-Labolas – President of Hell, reveals all things past and to come
  4. Gorgon – Demonic creature with a snake-covered head
  5. Gusion – Duke of Hell, gives answers about the past, present, and future
  6. Halphas – Earl of Hell, builds towns and commands 26 legions
  7. Haures – Duke of Hell, gives true answers of things past, present, and future
  8. Ipos – Prince of Hell, knows the past and the future
  9. Kobal – Demon of hilarity
  10. Leraje – Marquis of Hell, causes battles and disputes
  11. Leviathan – Sea demon, represents envy
  12. Lucifer – Light-bringer, fallen angel
  13. Malphas – President of Hell, builds houses and towers
  14. Mammon – Demon of wealth and greed
  15. Marbas – President of Hell, answers truly of hidden or secret things
  16. Marchosias – Marquis of Hell, gives true answers about the future
  17. Mastema – Angel of disaster and enmity
  18. Melchom – Paymaster of Hell
  19. Mephistopheles – A devil in German folklore
  20. Morax – President of Hell, teaches astronomy and liberal sciences
  21. Murmur – Duke of Hell, teaches philosophy
  22. Naberius – Marquis of Hell, makes men cunning in all arts
  23. Nergal – Chief of Hell’s secret police
  24. Nybbas – Manager of visions and dreams
  25. Orias – Marquis of Hell, teaches the virtues of the stars
  26. Ornias – A demon mentioned in the Testament of Solomon
  27. Orobas – Prince of Hell, gives true answers of things past, present, and to come
  28. Ose – President of Hell, makes men wise in liberal sciences
  29. Paimon – King of Hell, obedient to Lucifer
  30. Paymon – King of Hell, master of ceremonies
  31. Phenex – Marquis of Hell, teaches sciences and poetry
  32. Purson – King of Hell, knows hidden things
  33. Rahovart – Demon of the underworld
  34. Raum – Earl of Hell, steals treasures out of kings’ houses
  35. Ronove – Marquis of Hell, teaches rhetoric and languages
  36. Rimmon – Demon of storms and bad weather
  37. Samael – Venom of God, accuser
  38. Satan – Adversary, accuser
  39. Seere – Prince of Hell, can transport anyone anywhere in the world
  40. Semyaza – Leader of the Watchers, the angel who fell for lusting after human women

male demon names

  1. Shax – Duke of Hell, takes away the sight, hearing, and understanding of any person
  2. Stolas – Prince of Hell, teaches astronomy and herbalism
  3. Succorbenoth – Chief eunuch of Hell
  4. Surgat – Opens all locks
  5. Sut – Egyptian god of evil and chaos
  6. Sytry – Prince of Hell, makes men love women
  7. Taniniver – Serpent from Jewish mythology
  8. Thamuz – Ambassador of Hell, inventor of artilleries
  9. Ukobach – Servant of Hell, maintains the oil in the infernal boilers
  10. Valac – President of Hell, reveals the location of hidden treasures
  11. Valefar – Duke of Hell, tempts people to steal
  12. Vapula – Duke of Hell, teaches philosophy and mechanics
  13. Vassago – Prince of Hell, reveals the past and the future
  14. Vepar – Duke of Hell, governs the waters and seas
  15. Vine – Earl of Hell, reveals hidden things
  16. Volac – President of Hell, reveals hidden treasures
  17. Vual – Duke of Hell, gives true answers about the past, present, and future
  18. Wierius – Demon who inflames men with wrath and causes war
  19. Xaphan – Fan the flames of Hell
  20. Yeqon – One of the leaders of the 200 Fallen Angels
  21. Yeter’el – Teaches humans to write
  22. Zagan – President of Hell, turns water into wine and blood into wine
  23. Zepar – Duke of Hell, makes women love men
  24. Ziminiar – One of the four chief dukes of Hell
  25. Abigor – Grand Duke of Hell, commands 60 legions of demons
  26. Adramelech – Chancellor of Hell, president of the high council of devils
  27. Agares – Grand Duke of Hell, controls 31 legions
  28. Aim – Great Duke of Hell, commands 26 legions
  29. Alocer – Grand Duke of Hell, commands 36 legions
  30. Amdusias – Great Duke of Hell, commands 29 legions
  31. Asmoday – King of Hell, associated with lust
  32. Astarte – Demoness, goddess of fertility and sexual love
  33. Ayperos – Prince of Hell, commands 36 legions
  34. Aziel – Teaches humans to make weapons and jewelry
  35. Balam – King of Hell, commands 40 legions
  36. Bane – Bringer of woe and ruin
  37. Barbatos – Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  38. Behemoth – Demon of gluttony
  39. Beherit – Demon of blasphemy
  40. Belial – Demon of worthlessness

male demon names

  1. Berith – Great Duke of Hell, commands 26 legions
  2. Bifrons – Demon of astronomy and other sciences
  3. Botis – President of Hell, commands 60 legions
  4. Buer – President of Hell, commands 50 legions
  5. Bune – Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  6. Caacrinolaas – President of Hell, commands 36 legions
  7. Claim – Great President of Hell, commands 30 legions
  8. Chax – Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  9. Corson – Demon of the west
  10. Crocell – Duke of Hell, commands 48 legions
  11. Dantalion – Duke of Hell, commands 36 legions
  12. Eisheth – Demoness, consort of Samael
  13. Euryale – Demoness, one of the Gorgons
  14. Flauros – Great Duke of Hell, commands 36 legions
  15. Focalor – Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  16. Foras – Great President of Hell, commands 29 legions
  17. Forneus – Great Marquis of Hell, commands 29 legions
  18. Furfur – Great Earl of Hell, commands 26 legions
  19. Ganga-Gramma – Demoness of diseases
  20. Gusion – Great Duke of Hell, commands 45 legions
  21. Halphas – Great Earl of Hell, commands 26 legions
  22. Ipos – Great Earl and Prince of Hell, commands 36 legions
  23. Jezebeth – Demoness of falsehoods
  24. Kasdeya – Fifth satan
  25. Kokabiel – The fallen angel, teaches astrology
  26. Lilin – Demonic offspring of Lilith
  27. Malthus – Earl of Hell, commands 26 legions
  28. Mammon – Demon of greed
  29. Marchosias – Marquis of Hell, commands 30 legions
  30. Mastema – Angel of disaster
  31. Melchiresa – Demon of the desert
  32. Murmur – Great Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  33. Naberius – Marquis of Hell, commands 19 legions
  34. Naamah – Demoness of seduction
  35. Naburus – Marquis of Hell, commands 19 legions
  36. Orias – Marquis of Hell, commands 30 legions
  37. Orthon – Familiar of the knight of Corasse
  38. Oze – President of Hell, commands 30 legions
  39. Pazuzu – Demon of the southwest wind
  40. Phenex – Great Marquis of Hell, commands 20 legions
  41. Philotanus – Demon of lust
  42. Raum – Great Earl of Hell, commands 30 legions
  43. Ronwe – Marquis of Hell, commands 19 legions
  44. Sabnock – Great Marquis of Hell, commands 50 legions
  45. Sales – Great Duke of Hell, commands 30 legions
  46. Samael – Angel of death
  47. Sargatanas – Brigadier Major of Hell
  48. Satanachia – Commanding general of Hell’s army
  49. Scox – Great Marquis of Hell, commands 30 legions
  50. Shax – Great Marquis of Hell, commands 30 legions
  51. Stolas – Great Prince of Hell, commands 26 legions
  52. Tanin’iver – Serpent demon in Jewish folklore
  53. Thamuz – Ambassador of Hell
  54. Uvall – Duke of Hell, commands 37 legions
  55. Valac – President of Hell, commands 30 legions
  56. Vapula – Duke of Hell, commands 36 legions
  57. Vassago – Prince of Hell, commands 26 legions
  58. Vepar – Great Duke of Hell, commands 29 legions
  59. Vine – Earl of Hell, commands 36 legions
  60. Ziminiar – One of the four chief dukes of Hell

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