Nature Table: Special Needs Education – Montessori to High School Ideas

A Nature Table is an easily accessible educational feature arranging small parts of the natural environment within preschool premises to spark children’s interests and teach them. Although they should be used only in special cases, nature tables can be introduced not only in Montessori Kindergarten but also in High School science classes. In this article, I will show ideas on how to turn the nature tables into fun and informative activities for children of different ages. Nature table special needs education.

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nature table special needs education

Montessori Nature Table: Discovery’s Foundation 


In Montessori education, an object with significant importance is the nature table which helps develop a child’s relationship with the natural environment. It is an environment where a child can touch and see objects that are natural thus helping the child in sensory and curiosity development. Here are some creative ideas for a Montessori nature table: Here are some creative ideas for a Montessori nature table: 


  1. Seasonal Displays


  1. Autumn: Some must-haves of fall are brightly colored fallen leaves, acorns, pinecones, and small pumpkins. Include a ‘magnifier’ for children to go closer to observe textures and patterns that are hard to see closely with the naked eye. 
  2. Winter: Hang up branches, pine cones, and pictures illustrating animals in winter. Providing the child with a bowl of snow or ice to play with and feel is also encouraged. 
  3. Spring: Add flowers and branches that have started to bud and pictures of baby animals. Place a tiny vase with some new flowers on a table so that children can arrange the flowers as they want. 
  4. Summer: Illustrate its shells, sand, and a picture of a beach. Include a small sandbox or sensory bin, with natural stimuli such as sand, water, etc. 

nature table special needs education

  1. Themed Explorations:


  • Animals: Make a terrarium for toy animals placing the photos of real animals and information cards next to them. 


  • Plants: Different varieties of leaves seeds and flowers should be displayed. Essentially, they are to provide a plant care station using miniature watering cans and pots of nutrient soil. 


  • Insects: Look at preserved insects or plastic models with the use of magnifying glasses. Add books and pictures for the recognition of the differences between various types of animals. 


  • Elementary School Nature Table: The future of Advanced Horizons Company will be bright if the current and potential consumer base continue to grow. 


In the process of child development, asset knowledge about the world around them also increases. Indeed, basic school nature tables can establish this foundation while introducing other complications and even correspondence. 

nature table special needs education

  1. Interactive Elements


Life Cycles: Exhibit stages of a butterfly or frog life cycle through models and pictures. Add a live caterpillar or tadpole if you can Occasionally, have a pet caterpillar or tadpole to help with the lesson. 


Ecosystems: Create a microhabitat within jars like a terrarium or place small bodies of water that you can use to show the relations between plants and animals. 


Weather Station: Arrange equipment which may include a barometer, thermometer, and a rain gauge. Ensure to provide a weather journal where the students shall write their observations on the daily weather. 


  1. Cross-Curricular Connections


  • Art and Nature: Show artwork that has been made by children/students based on topics that have something to do with nature. Hearths and stones, flowers, and leaves should also be added to the list as these could be used for works of art. 


  • Math and Nature: Count and sort with objects found in nature: Use of natural objects for counting, sorting as well as pattern activities. Show the findings of nature observation in the form of graphs and charts. 


  • Literature and Nature: Use features to describe books and stories with a focus on nature. Guide students on how to write and illustrate their own Nature stories and poems. 


High School Nature Table: Science Only 


High school will then encompass more advanced information and concepts, and nature tables can easily assist with superior scientific investigations and studies. They can become stations of ongoing experiments and projects so that the communities around them can benefit from the outcome of the experiment. 




Biology Experiments: Present plant growth works, genetics experiments with fruit flies, or microbial culture works as an exhibition. 


Environmental Science: Display cases on local environmental topics, i.e.. , pollution and its control. Improve the visibility of real data and research sources, and avoid literature review sections. 


Chemistry and Nature: Explain the chemical formulas of natural products, for instance; soil, water, and plants. To support disaster, include a few fun-filled chemical experiments that are performed right in front of the students. 




  • Field Studies: Have students organize a display of other field studies they did individually or in groups; samples, photographs, and field study research papers should be encouraged. 


  • Citizen Science: Ask students to participate in citizen science activities for instance bird watching or water quality surveys. Bring out achievements and discoveries by the two. 

nature table special needs education



Nature tables on their part are flexible and can be modified to suit learners of all ages ranging from young learners to elderly learners in class. They stimulate children’s appreciation for the area they live in and promote exploration, discovery, and scientific learning. These are the ideas that should be incorporated into procedures for constructing nature tables by educators. 


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